blowfishpro / B9PartSwitch

A Kerbal Space Program plugin designed to implement switching of part meshes, resources, and nodes
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Implement module specifics for module switching #154

Open blowfishpro opened 4 years ago

blowfishpro commented 4 years ago

Going to avoid adding too much before it's actually requested, but good news is that @gotmachine has already worked through a lot of it.

Code here:

Some documentation here:

bfrobin446 commented 4 years ago

Changing an engine's fuel type by swapping out PROPELLANT nodes apparently doesn't send the event that ModuleEngineConfigs would send on making a similar change. Without that event, ModuleFuelTanks tanks on the same ship don't update their "fill remaining space with this engine's fuel mixture" button.

blowfishpro commented 4 years ago

Show me the code that does it in ModuleEngineConfigs

bfrobin446 commented 4 years ago

rvalle7 commented 4 years ago

I have a cockpit that switch from open to closed, and only the closed one can have life support and have a hatch door animated with FSanimateGeneric. So, will this part switch handle all that accordingly? Here the code! `//Cockpit Switch Type One (closed) to Open

@PART[O_cockpit]:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch] { MODULE { name = ModuleB9PartSwitch moduleID = cockpit_type switcherDescription = Cockpit Type affectDragCubes = false affectFARVoxels = false SUBTYPE { name = Cockpit_closed transform = cockpit_one

            name = FSanimateGeneric
            animationName = hatch_cockpit
            animSpeed = 1
            startEventGUIName = Open Hatch Doors
            endEventGUIName = Close Hatch Doors
            toggleActionName = Toggle Hatch Doors
            startDeployed = False
            availableInEVA = True
            availableInVessel = True
            EVArange = 5
            playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False
            fullyRetractedEffect = closed_hatch
            fullyDeployedEffect = 
            startDeployEffect = open_hatch
            startRetractEffect = close_hatch
            layer = 0
            moduleID = 0

                  channel = Ship
                  clip = Omicron/Sounds/hatch_open
                  volume = 0.0 0.0
                  volume = 1.0 1.0
                  pitch = 0.0 0.5
                  pitch = 1.0 1.0
                  loop = false
                  channel = Ship
                  clip = Omicron/Sounds/hatch_close
                  volume = 0.0 0.0
                  volume = 1.0 1.0
                  pitch = 0.0 0.5
                  pitch = 1.0 1.0
                  loop = false
                  channel = Ship
                  clip = Omicron/Sounds/hatch_closed
                  volume = 0.0 0.0
                  volume = 1.0 2.0
                  pitch = 0.0 0.5
                  pitch = 1.0 1.0
                  loop = false

                @amount = 100
                @amount *= 2
                @amount *= 2.5
                @amount += 150
                @amount += #$maxAmount$
                @maxAmount = #$amount$

                name = Food
                amount = 1.097
                maxAmount = 1.097
                @amount *= 2
                @amount *= 2.5
                @maxAmount = #$amount$

                name = Water
                amount = 0.725
                maxAmount = 0.725
                @amount *= 2
                @amount *= 2.5
                @maxAmount = #$amount$

                name = Oxygen
                amount = 111.038
                maxAmount = 111.038
                @amount *= 2
                @amount *= 2.5
                @maxAmount = #$amount$

                name = CarbonDioxide
                amount = 0
                maxAmount = 95.913
                @maxAmount *= 2
                @maxAmount *= 2.5

                name = Waste
                amount = 0
                maxAmount = 0.1
                @maxAmount *= 2
                @maxAmount *= 2.5

                name = WasteWater
                amount = 0
                maxAmount = 0.924
                @maxAmount *= 2
                @maxAmount *= 2.5

                name = LifeSupportModule

                name = ModuleTestSubject
                // nowhere: 0, srf: 1, ocean: 2, atmo: 4, space: 8
                environments = 15
                useStaging = False
                useEvent = True

        name = Cockpit_open
        transform = cockpit_open


bfrobin446 commented 4 years ago

The best way to handle FSanimateGeneric is probably to create the module outside of your B9PartSwitch, then have B9PartSwitch set the module inactive on the open-cockpit subtype:

    name = Cockpit_open
    transform = cockpit_open
    MODULE {
        IDENTIFIER {
            name = FSanimateGeneric
        moduleActive = False

RESOURCE nodes inside a subtype don't work the same as RESOURCE nodes directly on the part; see for how they actually work.

blowfishpro commented 4 years ago

@rvalle7 few things

  1. Check your formatting - the code tags got messed up. Good case for preview/proofreading - you should still be able to edit the comment still
  2. EFFECTS is not recognized on a subtype.
  3. As @bfrobin446 said, while RESOURCEs can be defined directly on the subtype, your definitions aren't correct.
    • This seems like abuse of the feature anyway. There should be a tank type you can use. Defining resources directly on the subtype should be reserved for weird one-off cases.
  4. Your @NEEDS[TacLifeSupport] { } node is not going to work. ModuleManager doesn't work like that.
  5. B9PartSwitch doesn't actually add modules, it can only modify and (sorta) disable them.
    • The way to "disable" a module (for the most part it only hides the UI is as such:
            name = whatever
            // any other fields used to uniquely identify the module
        moduleActive = false
    • The way to load new data into a module:
            name = whatever
            // any other fields used to uniquely identify the module
            // new data to be loaded into the module
rvalle7 commented 4 years ago

Yes, the resources i already figure out and put it on a tankswitch and it worked. I'll do what you described here for the FSanimateGeneric.

Chears commanders. Good Karma for you both!

Sent from iCloud Rafael Valle

On April 20, 2020 at 3:33 PM, Joseph Wong wrote:

rvalle7 commented 4 years ago

So, i tried and it worked for all other things inside, but vanish with animation in both cases. And i can't make it start in closed mode, it always go to open mode. I tried defaulSuptypePriority , i tried inverting the description order in ModuleB9PartSwitch. I'm using 1.9.1.

    name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
    moduleID = cockpit_type
    switcherDescription = Cockpit Type
    affectDragCubes = false
    affectFARVoxels = false
    baseVolume = 1048

        name = Cockpit_closed
        transform = cockpit_one
        tankType = Cockpit_closed

                     name = FSanimateGeneric
                 moduleActive = true

        name = Cockpit_open
        transform = cockpit_open
        tankType = Cockpit_open

                     name = FSanimateGeneric
                 moduleActive = false
blowfishpro commented 4 years ago

Your formatting is still off

rvalle7 commented 4 years ago

This is right and it works: @PART[O_egg_crew_three]:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch]

But this don't work, and syntax is what you all described here, exactly. So, i don't think this MODULE implementation on your ModuleB9PartSwitch is ready, at least for FSanimateGeneric and ModuleGenericAnimation.

                 name = FSanimateGeneric
             moduleActive = false
blowfishpro commented 4 years ago

The module switching has been tested with almost nothing and many modules will respond differently. That's the purpose of this issue. I make no guarantees about what it will work initially but I'm willing to work with modders to get things working, particularly with stock modules.

But if you come to me with a bunch of bad syntax I'm going to make you fix that first.

rvalle7 commented 4 years ago

I can be tester for the ModuleGenericAnimate if you need some one. I do some light stuff in code too, i'm starting with Omicron Cockpit panel on the ship (not IVA, soon i will put the code here in my Github), already did the navball, going to speed, altimeter etc. So i do know some. But little. My purpose in all the messages is to point out what i did and what was your module response. Let me know how can i help more. Cheers! For the bad syntax, for sure, but the last one wasn't. This editor was. It fuck the syntax when i put that @part. for itself.