blreams / collegefootballpick10

Football pool web app
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Add team colors to the Team model #91

Open jbholden opened 9 years ago

jbholden commented 9 years ago

As mentioned in #76, the team colors should be added to the team model. I have been making a few updates to the enter picks page and would like to have the colors available.

As a starting point, I found this site, which gives team colors for each team.

We might want to make some adjustments though. For example, the Georgia Tech color looks a little too yellow. I think it should be more gold.

A few questions

jbholden commented 9 years ago

A comment on the above website ( says that the tables are free to use, but if we post them on another website to please give them credit. We aren't actually posting these tables on our website, so I think we are ok to use them. I'm not sure if we need to mention this website or not somewhere on our site.

I'm creating a script to just parse the html to get the colors.