blt4linux / blt4l

PAYDAY 2 SteamOS/Linux LUA loader.
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Merge BLTU update into BLT4Linux #51

Closed dribbleondo closed 7 years ago

dribbleondo commented 7 years ago

Luffy made an update to the regular BLT which fixed the community challenges box colliding with the notifications box:

It would be a good idea to fix this also in BLT4Linux, don't ya think?

RomanHargrave commented 7 years ago

Is this a change to the LUA base or the loader API?

dribbleondo commented 7 years ago

The LUA, as far as I understand it. It literally fixes one problem, and that's it.

EDIT: I can confirm that merging the "Base" folder in the BLTU doesn't destroy BLT4Linux functionality as far as I can tell by loading the game up. Here's me with BLT4L with the BLTU notifications box fix

RomanHargrave commented 7 years ago

We use the same lua base as The BLT, so those changes would need to go to unless we were to fork that and maintain it separately.

dribbleondo commented 7 years ago

Gonna Agree with Luffy on Modworkshop and say that Wilko doesn't appear to be Updating the BLT anytime soon. Adding in the BLTU is probably better than forking it and maintaining a seperate build, Just because it fixes one issue, a minor one at that.

I'm about to confirm with Luffy that this works with BLT4Linux also, and they'll likely give you permission to implement the changes

RomanHargrave commented 7 years ago

Well, I would have to fork the lua base if I wanted to do that. I'm not averse to doing so, but this opens a whole can of worms because then I am obliged to host updates for the lua base.

dribbleondo commented 7 years ago

BLT4Linux itself doesn't have an autoupdater does it? Though, like you said above, it shouldn't need it.

RomanHargrave commented 7 years ago

The auto-updater for BLT and the lua has historically and is currently implemented in the lua base, with the lua and the loader being handled as a special mod, similar to other mods that may be installed

dribbleondo commented 7 years ago

Okay, good to know. Also, this unrelated fix is a huge oversight on Wilko's part

dribbleondo commented 7 years ago

Also, Luffy has given permission to "Do whatever you want" with the BLTU Mod. Luffy also maintains a more up-to-date BLT on github as a Fork(?) of the Wilko's BLT, so It might be wise to use Luffy's BLTU's Base files and fork that as it fixes a few things Wilko has yet to fix.

RomanHargrave commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I can switch to that, but people will still have to manually update their base mod regardless of whether they are on windows or linux.

RomanHargrave commented 7 years ago

Done (see release 1.3-r1-1)

dribbleondo commented 7 years ago

Seems that Either Wilko really didn't approve of BLTU's existence or the fact that BLT4L was more up to date than the regular BLT.

Short story, BLT has updated its base to include the bugfixes in BLTU and some more fixes metioned elsewhere. BLT4L will update/ overwrite the BLTU base changes anyway. RIP BLTU.

RomanHargrave commented 7 years ago

BLT4L isn't doing it, it's the lua base