for development reason i changed the password length in \bl-kernel\boot\variables.php to:
// Password length
define('PASSWORD_LENGTH', 3);
in \bl-kernel\functions.php
line 548 in createUser as expected:
// Password length
if (Text::length($args['new_password']) < PASSWORD_LENGTH) {
Alert::set($L->g('Password must be at least ' . PASSWORD_LENGTH . ' characters long'), ALERT_STATUS_FAIL);
but in line 679 its hardcoded;
// Password length
if (Text::length($newPassword) < 6) {
Alert::set($L->g('Password must be at least 6 characters long'), ALERT_STATUS_FAIL);
for development reason i changed the password length in \bl-kernel\boot\variables.php to:
in \bl-kernel\functions.php line 548 in createUser as expected:
but in line 679 its hardcoded;
shouldn't it be equal?
Bludit version
PHP version