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[aurorae]: shadows not drawn correctly #62

Closed star-buck closed 9 years ago

star-buck commented 9 years ago

sometimes, especially for newly opened windows, the shadows are initially not drawn. If you active or click in some area inside, the shadow is added afterwards:

mgraesslin commented 9 years ago

could you please provide the output of: qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation

when you are able to reproduce the issue? (This might be related to the effects which are enabled).

star-buck commented 9 years ago

netrunner@netrunner-Aspire-X1930:~$ qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation

KWin Support Information:


KWin version: 5.2.0 Qt Version: 5.4.0

Operation Mode: X11 only


Plugin: org.kde.kwin.aurorae Theme: auroraesvg__KDE-10Flat Blur: 1 onAllDesktopsAvailable: false alphaChannelSupported: true closeOnDoubleClickOnMenu: false decorationButtonsLeft: 0, 2 decorationButtonsRight: 6, 3, 4, 5 borderSize: 3 gridUnit: 10 font: Oxygen-Sans,10,-1,0,50,0,0,0,0,0 smallSpacing: 2 largeSpacing: 10


focusPolicy: 0 nextFocusPrefersMouse: false clickRaise: true autoRaise: false autoRaiseInterval: 0 delayFocusInterval: 0 shadeHover: false shadeHoverInterval: 250 separateScreenFocus: false placement: 4 focusPolicyIsReasonable: true borderSnapZone: 10 windowSnapZone: 10 centerSnapZone: 0 snapOnlyWhenOverlapping: false showDesktopIsMinimizeAll: false rollOverDesktops: true focusStealingPreventionLevel: 1 legacyFullscreenSupport: false operationTitlebarDblClick: 5000 operationMaxButtonLeftClick: 5000 operationMaxButtonMiddleClick: 5015 operationMaxButtonRightClick: 5014 commandActiveTitlebar1: 0 commandActiveTitlebar2: 30 commandActiveTitlebar3: 2 commandInactiveTitlebar1: 4 commandInactiveTitlebar2: 30 commandInactiveTitlebar3: 2 commandWindow1: 7 commandWindow2: 8 commandWindow3: 8 commandWindowWheel: 31 commandAll1: 10 commandAll2: 3 commandAll3: 14 keyCmdAllModKey: 16777251 showGeometryTip: false condensedTitle: false electricBorderMaximize: true electricBorderTiling: true electricBorderCornerRatio: 0.25 borderlessMaximizedWindows: false killPingTimeout: 5000 hideUtilityWindowsForInactive: true inactiveTabsSkipTaskbar: false autogroupSimilarWindows: false autogroupInForeground: true compositingMode: 1 useCompositing: true compositingInitialized: true hiddenPreviews: 1 unredirectFullscreen: false glSmoothScale: 2 colorCorrected: false xrenderSmoothScale: false maxFpsInterval: 16666666 refreshRate: 0 vBlankTime: 6000000 glStrictBinding: true glStrictBindingFollowsDriver: true glCoreProfile: false glPreferBufferSwap: 101 glPlatformInterface: 1

Screen Edges

desktopSwitching: false desktopSwitchingMovingClients: false cursorPushBackDistance: 1x1 timeThreshold: 150 reActivateThreshold: 350 actionTopLeft: 0 actionTop: 0 actionTopRight: 0 actionRight: 0 actionBottomRight: 0 actionBottom: 0 actionBottomLeft: 0 actionLeft: 0


Multi-Head: no Active screen follows mouse: no Number of Screens: 1 Screen 0 Geometry: 0,0,1920x1080


Compositing is active Compositing Type: OpenGL OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Desktop OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2 OpenGL platform interface: GLX OpenGL shading language version string: 1.30 Driver: Intel GPU class: SandyBridge OpenGL version: 3.0 GLSL version: 1.30 Mesa version: 10.3.2 X server version: 1.16 Linux kernel version: 3.16 Direct rendering: Requires strict binding: yes GLSL shaders: yes Texture NPOT support: yes Virtual Machine: no OpenGL 2 Shaders are used Painting blocks for vertical retrace: no

Loaded Effects:

zoom slidingpopups kwin4_effect_login slide screenshot minimizeanimation kwin4_effect_translucency desktopgrid kwin4_effect_fade kwin4_effect_maximize presentwindows kwin4_effect_dialogparent highlightwindow blur contrast logout dashboard startupfeedback screenedge kscreen

Currently Active Effects:

blur contrast

Effect Settings:

zoom: zoomFactor: 1.2 mousePointer: 0 mouseTracking: 0 enableFocusTracking: false followFocus: true focusDelay: 350 moveFactor: 20 targetZoom: 1

slidingpopups: fadeInTime: 30 fadeOutTime: 50






desktopgrid: zoomDuration: 60 border: 10 desktopNameAlignment: 0 layoutMode: 0 customLayoutRows: 2 usePresentWindows: true



presentwindows: layoutMode: 0 showCaptions: true showIcons: true doNotCloseWindows: false ignoreMinimized: false accuracy: 20 fillGaps: true fadeDuration: 30 showPanel: false leftButtonWindow: 1 rightButtonWindow: 2 middleButtonWindow: 0 leftButtonDesktop: 2 middleButtonDesktop: 0 rightButtonDesktop: 0



blur: blurRadius: 12 cacheTexture: true


logout: useBlur: true

dashboard: brightness: 0.5 saturation: 0.5 blur: false

startupfeedback: type: 1



mgraesslin commented 9 years ago

Thanks, it's not related to (missing) fade effect as I thought.

I'm able to reproduce, but I don't see a pattern yet.

star-buck commented 9 years ago

I only see a pattern simply when hovering over the min,max,close buttons, the shadow always appears?

mgraesslin commented 9 years ago

ah I mean the other way around: I miss a way to reliable trigger that the shadow is not shown.

I assume that a repaint is missing somewhere, but so far everywhere I looked the code is correct and should trigger the according repaint. I'm absolutely puzzled :-(

mgraesslin commented 9 years ago

Positive: while investigating I implemented a nice optimization Negative: I still have no clue why the shadow is not drawn when the window is shown - so far everything I checked was in correct state :-(

mgraesslin commented 9 years ago


hsitter commented 9 years ago

star-buck commented 9 years ago

seems fixed.