blue-veery-gmbh / spring-rest-2-ts

spring rest 2 ts is typescript generator which produces data model and services in typescript based on Spring MVC annotations. It supports generation for Angular and React
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Can't Produce Observable Service #28

Open sotg-duncan-idaho opened 2 years ago

sotg-duncan-idaho commented 2 years ago


I'm having a bit of trouble getting started. I have followed the example trying to produce and observable based service but the output is not as expected. I am using the example code provided on the HOWTO to configure an "Angular4ImplementationGenerator"

The output is:

public createRegistration(arg1: RegistrationRequest): RegistrationRequest { const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-type', 'application/json'); return'/sec/registrations/create', JSON.stringify(arg1) , {headers, responseType: 'text'}).pipe(map(res => JSON.parse(res))); }

instead of the desired:

public createRegistration(arg1: RegistrationRequest): Observable<RegistrationRequest> { const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-type', 'application/json'); return<RegistrationRequest>('/sec/registrations/create', arg1 , {headers, responseType: 'text'}); }

My MVC Controller definition is:

@PostMapping(path = PATH_CREATE_REGISTRATION, produces = "application/json") @ResponseBody @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED) public RegistrationRequest createRegistration(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, @RequestBody RegistrationRequest registration) throws Exception {

What am I doing wrong?

tomasz-wozniak75 commented 2 years ago

Hey Based on your controller signature I created example, please apply attached patch (created by intelij) next execute example com.blueveery.springrest2ts.examples.test.TsCodeGenerationsTest#customTypeMapping at the end in the console You will have link to the generated file ctrls-spring.ts, please open it and search for RegistrationCtrl. I have following result: public createRegistration(registration: RegistrationRequest): Observable<RegistrationRequest> { const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-type', 'application/json'); return'api/product/some/path', JSON.stringify(registration), { headers, responseType: 'text' }).pipe(map(res => JSON.parse(res))); } Please let me know if You have the same content. If yes You can find desired config in com.blueveery.springrest2ts.examples.test.TsCodeGenerationsTest#customTypeMapping

