blue-veery-gmbh / spring-rest-2-ts

spring rest 2 ts is typescript generator which produces data model and services in typescript based on Spring MVC annotations. It supports generation for Angular and React
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Spring Data Pageable extension does not work as intended #51

Closed ememisya closed 7 months ago

ememisya commented 7 months ago

When verifying by running the default project tests it seems Pageable extension does not quite work as intended. I get the following output

export class ManufacturerCtrl {
  httpService: HttpClient;

 public constructor(httpService: HttpClient) {
    this.httpService = httpService;

 public findManufacturers(): Observable<any>  {
    return this.httpService.get('api/manufacturer', {responseType: 'text'}).pipe(map(res => JSON.parse(res)));


This appears to be due to the Pageable.class being converted into tsAny (TSSimpleType) and not the expected type by tsParameter.getType() instanceof TSParameterizedTypeReference<?>

ememisya commented 7 months ago

It appears the following line of code is necessary for this to occur during configuration.

modelClassesConverter.preConverted(tsGenerator.getJavaPackageToTsModuleConverter(), Pageable.class);
gunner121 commented 7 months ago

Hi, did you try to add ConversionExtension like we described here Probably it is just missing in the tests.

ememisya commented 7 months ago

You are correct. I was under the mistaken impression that com.blueveery.springrest2ts.examples.test.SpringDataPageableTest was actually executing when cloning the project and running "mvn test", apparently not.

I missed the following line. My apologies.