blue-yonder / turbodbc

Turbodbc is a Python module to access relational databases via the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface. The module complies with the Python Database API Specification 2.0.
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Does turbodbc still need boost as a dependency? #402

Open bgemmill opened 7 months ago

bgemmill commented 7 months ago

The C++ standard library has been absorbing concepts from boost, and it looks like it may be close to providing everything turbodbc needs, depending on which standard turbodbc wants to target.

From here, it looks like the required boost libraries are variant, optional, datetime, and locale.

C++17 has variant, optional, C++11 has chrono and C++20's chrono has a standardized date, and it looks like boost::locale may have been removed already.

Depending on the date formatting required, it may be too soon to consider requiring the standard library from 20, but this seemed interesting to bring up.