Open wyldckat opened 3 months ago
Using MSYS2 from blueCFD-Core 2020 to build OpenFOAM 12, namely using GCC 10.2.0, gives the same exact error.
Tried compiling GCC 12.2.0 with the same stack as we are using on MSYS2, namely:
wget ""
wget ""
wget ""
chmod +x get* make*
./getGcc gcc-12.2.0 gmp-6.2.1 mpfr-4.2.0 mpc-1.3.1
./makeGcc gcc-12.2.0 gmp-6.2.1 mpfr-4.2.0 mpc-1.3.1 -no-multilib > log.mkgcc 2>&1
./getBinutils binutils-2.39
./makeBinutils gcc-12.2.0 binutils-2.39 > log.mkbinutils 2>&1
The results from running with GCC 8.5.0 on RockyLinux 8.6 and GCC 12.2.0 (with -O2 -no-tree-vectorize
) were identical.
Tested with GCC 12.2.0 and FOAM_NAN=1
and still identical, although took slightly longer to run (200->215s).
The tutorial case
from OpenFOAM 12 is failing on our port of blueCFD-Core 2024-1. Details:It crashes at
Time = 0.427442735s
Diverging time stamp:
Time = 0.3106666667s
Time = 0.310625s
Looking at the results, it seems to be because there are certain regions that drop temperature to 140-180K, while the initial temperature was around 300K...
a. It almost seems to be some memory garbage coming in from the top boundary; b. Or there is some threshold behavior that is not working the same way on Windows as it does on Linux; c. Or there is a variable that stays undefined during said threshold calculation.