bluealloy / revm

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EIP-7702 inconsistency #1714

Closed mrLSD closed 3 weeks ago

mrLSD commented 3 weeks ago


According to EIP-7702 Specification it's several inconsistencies:

➡️ In validation Step 1 there is no validation step Behavior 1..

authority = ecrecover(keccak(MAGIC || rlp([chain_id, address, nonce])), y_parity, r, s]

It's a vector of attack.

➡️ Step 4 - accodingto specification Nonce is required filed, and it's impossible situation for Option<None>

➡️ Step 6 just wrong (in Specification it's step 7):

Set the code of authority to be 0xef0100 || address. This is a delegation designation.

➡️ A nit: Behavior steps number in the specification and in comments are different, and it's confusing.

➡️ Step 8 from Specification just absent:

Increase the nonce of authority by one.

Main logic of EIP-7702

It looks, like after creating list it doesn't used for Delegation Designation logic


It's unclear intention of:

pub enum AuthorizationList {

It looks overcomplicated for such simple simple structure (according to Spec) like authorization_list.


Related to #1268

rakita commented 3 weeks ago

Current EIP-7702 changes were needed for devnet-1 and devnet-2 devnets as agreed by core devs.

New changes are coming in effecy in devnet-3 (expected in week or two) and those changes are made in PR here

That PR will be merges in few days after they pass eth statetests. Statetests for newest EIP version was made today.