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mark equippable quest rewards #21

Open kennumen opened 11 years ago

kennumen commented 11 years ago

Can your warrior equip a 2handed axe? Can your hunter hold a staff? ... Wait, do druids ever support 2H maces and did I remember to weapon train him?

Obviously the biggest gain here is for weapons (and perhaps the occasional brainfart). List out in some way which rewards can be equipped by the bot.

Personally I'd lean towards 2 lists (in the same party chat line). E.g.: "[QuestCompletedName] rewards: I could equip [X] [Y] [Z] or sell [A] [B]" "[QuestCompletedName] rewards: I could sell [A] [B]" "[QuestCompletedName] rewards: I could equip [X] [Z]"

Feel free to be creative. Listing sellables by value and/or equippables by 'score' (most likely to be an upgrade first).

kennumen commented 11 years ago

Better idea. Integrate 'IsBetterEquip()' [not actual function name] from Equip Auto and mark quest rewards something as following: [QuestRewardItemLink] [eq+) - [ItemLink] [eq-) - [ItemLink] [ne) - [ItemLink] [other)

Legend: (eq+) - (in green color) - Equippable, improvement (eq-) - yellow/orange text - Equippable, you have better equipped already (ne) - red text - cannot equip (other) - blue text - is not an equippable item (could be water, bullets, ...)

@edit as a bonus it would also increase interest to tinker with equip comparison code. @edit [eq+) == (eq+) but (text) following [text] makes a link