blueboy / portal

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Kill your own bots for honor #3

Closed Okjack28 closed 12 years ago

Okjack28 commented 12 years ago

You can kill your own Bots for earning honor. Maybe you can add a feature to disable it? Probably an autoinvite to group or something like that?

Thanks for your amazing branch and your perfect bot System :)

blueboy commented 12 years ago


Can you elaborate on how you gain honor by killing your bots?

I assume it has something to do with summoning bots of an opposing faction, and dispatching them as they appear. If this is so, it shouldn't be too difficult to include a 'playerbot.conf' option to prevent players from summoning bots from both factions. The server admin can then control this, disabling the option should they wish to utilize a 'dual-faction' mod.

Thanks for your interest in playerbot ;)

Gitch commented 12 years ago

good catch on that issue!

Okjack28 commented 12 years ago

You can even call a bot from the same faction into a ffa area (for example Gurubashi Arena) and kill the bot. I hope you understand me ^^ The bot don't even react when you attack it.

Thanks for your really really great work with the playerbot branch. It is really well coded und just amazing System :-)

blueboy commented 12 years ago

Thanks Okjack28, I've been waiting for your reply.

You are definitely using the playerbot code from our site?

Apart from the reason I suggested in my previous reply, duels are the only other way you can attack your own bots (same faction). Any credit you receive for winning a duel is to be expected. I personally have never tested the code in an arena environment and wonder whether you aren't using the hybrid code from mangosR2. I believe they are experimenting with the playerbot code in these areas. I would be interested to know if this is so....

If it is definitely our code, we will do our best to resolve this issue.


Gitch commented 12 years ago

well... we could either implement bot pvp (which I know is being worked on) or add code which would .bot remove botname if a bot is attacked by master (which could only happen in a pvp area, or in a duel (which is already handled)

My projects are kind of scattered in different categories, but I'll surely help in testing/debugging anything that comes up.

kennumen commented 12 years ago

The arena he's referring to is an open-world arena in Stranglethorn Vale. There's a timer for some special chest, but I believe you can enter it any time for a FFA. I think the solution is simple and would prevent other... cleverness. Just put a clause in that doesn't reward honor if the target is from the same user account (aka alts never reward honor to you or your other alts - but they will to other players/accounts).

Dueling never gives rewards (well, nothing tangible, I can't say for sure whether there's an achievement or no). You shouldn't be able to fight your own alts (even opposing faction) in BG / Arena teams anyway, and openworld pvp (silithus, EPL, outlands, ...) or PVP server should be same as openworld arena, see solution above.

kennumen commented 12 years ago

Forgot some of you are first-timers.

In case you don't know where Gurubashi Arena is, it's left-center of STV:

If you don't know where StrangleThorn Vale is, it's way at the bottom (... bottom left) of the Eastern Kingdoms which is the rightmost continent.

blueboy commented 12 years ago

bots can't currently do FFA combat! I was working on arena interaction (using R2 code), but my focus was on getting bot entry and exit sorted out. I did try to get the bots to fight each other, but the best I could achieve was to have all the bot attack me. Problem was I couldn't stop them once they had started. I don't believe I earnt any honour for killing the bots.

kennumen commented 12 years ago

Rather than be a smartass I decided to test it out.

Level 55 DK, new same-faction bot, .level 59 (so he's 60 AKA eligible for an honorable kill). Walked him into gurubashi arena in STV (FFA area), killed him. No honor. Level 55 DK, new other-faction bot, .level 59 (so he's an HK). Teleported him into my city (so he's in PvP mode), killed him. No honor.

Don't know if this is MangosR2 code or what, but on our end I'd consider this broken - highly doubt bots give other people honor. That said, we don't have any pvp code. If anything [i]is[/i] broken in the current state of things, it's probably that healers (who, if I'm not mistaken, will still heal a master engaged in open-world pvp - silithus, EPL, outlands, wintergrasp, ...) do [i]not[/i] give honor - by healers I mean any class capable of healing excluding those set to CO::tank. But that's another issue anyone is free to open, as far as this issue is concerned I consider it closed.