Open curtishall opened 12 months ago
One trouble is that once we prompt the user "do you want basic or advanced?" it's no more as simple as it could be.
I think it would be OK to just skip all the questions at the install time and provide a similar setup as in Docker case.
A clean 22.04 Ubuntu system seems to end up with mysql (8.0) where root user has no password, but actually performing a working access control check and letting only real root in. I am still cautious whether this behaviour is universal across supported distros, but it's promising. This would mean we can create a database without prompting the user.
root@bc-jammy:~# sudo -u bluecherry mysql
ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
root@bc-jammy:~# mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 13
Offer two install types 'basic' and 'advanced'. Basic should simple questions similar to the docker install and do all the work in the background. 'Advanced' can follow the current installation process.
In 'basic' we automatically create bluecherrydb (or bluecherry-1 if the former exists), generate random password and put it into bluecherry.conf.