bluecmd / fortigate_exporter

Prometheus exporter for Fortigate firewalls
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Need help to connect to Grafana cloud #270

Open franklinis opened 9 months ago

franklinis commented 9 months ago

Hey Guys,

First of all, it's a great job and I am trying to get this working, but with no luck so far...!

This is my first time using Prometheus and Grafana. Your help is really appreciated :)

My Situation:

  1. I have setup the fortigate exporter and prometheus on my linux pc image

  2. As mentioned in the guide, I used [http://localhost:9710/probe, but that didn't work and was with the error "404 Not found". Post changing to metrics, job is now alright.

  3. I have also established the connection to grafana cloud and this prometheus. But I don't see anywhere except the job name


I would be happy to provide any additional info.

I really appreciate your help again, Thanks in advance :)

bluecmd commented 9 months ago

Hi, have a look at When you scrape /metrics you are scraping the internal metrics of the exporter, not your device.

franklinis commented 9 months ago

@bluecmd Thanks for the quick reply. That was my previous config and it always the same error as below.


bluecmd commented 9 months ago

Have you added to your Fortigate Exporter configuration?

franklinis commented 9 months ago

Yes, I have added it in fortigate-key.yaml file

franklinis commented 9 months ago

If you think, I might done something totally wrong. It would be great to have your detailed guidance. Because I tried my best following your guide in git and also in reddit

bluecmd commented 9 months ago

Is it added exactly as you've written the target? E.g. have you put the port in the config but not the Prometheus target? They have to match exactly. If you have, please post your Prometheus config and exporter config but redact any sensitive data.

franklinis commented 9 months ago

I believe so ;)

Below is the configuration of my forti-exporter, prometheus and grafana agent :


  token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  # If you have a smaller fortigate unit you might want
  # to exclude sensors as they do not have any
      # - System/SensorInfo


# my global config
  scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
  evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
  # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).

# Alertmanager configuration
    - static_configs:
        - targets:
          # - alertmanager:9093

# Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'.
  # - "first_rules.yml"
  # - "second_rules.yml"

# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
  - job_name: 'fortigate_exporter'
    metrics_path: /probe
      - targets:
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance
        # Drop the https:// and port (if specified) for the 'instance=' label
        regex: '(?:.+)(?::\/\/)([^:]*).*'
      - target_label: __address__
        replacement: 'localhost:9710'

  - url:
      username: xxxxxx
      password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  - basic_auth:
      password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      username: xxxxxxx
    enabled: true
    - action: replace
      - agent_hostname
      target_label: instance
    - action: replace
      target_label: job
      replacement: "integrations/agent-check"
    - action: keep
      regex: (prometheus_target_sync_length_seconds_sum|prometheus_target_scrapes_.*|prometheus_target_interval.*|prometheus_sd_discovered_targets|agent_build.*|agent_wal_samples_appended_total|process_start_time_seconds)
      - __name__
  # Add here any snippet that belongs to the `integrations` section.
  # For a correct indentation, paste snippets copied from Grafana Cloud at the beginning of the line.
  - clients:
    - basic_auth:
        password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        username: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    name: integrations
      filename: /tmp/positions.yaml
      # Add here any snippet that belongs to the `logs.configs.scrape_configs` section.
      # For a correct indentation, paste snippets copied from Grafana Cloud at the beginning of the line.
  - name: integrations
    - basic_auth:
        password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        username: xxxxxx
      # Add here any snippet that belongs to the `metrics.configs.scrape_configs` section.
      # For a correct indentation, paste snippets copied from Grafana Cloud at the beginning of the line.
    scrape_interval: 60s
  wal_directory: /tmp/grafana-agent-wal
bluecmd commented 9 months ago

Can you post the logs from the exporter?

franklinis commented 9 months ago

Can you help me to understand how I can get the logs ? I am beginner in this area

bluecmd commented 9 months ago

How are you running the exporter? Through docker? Systemd? Screen?

franklinis commented 9 months ago

I not using docker and I am not sure what you exactly you mean by running the exporter. So far, I have just restarted the process of prometheus and grafana by using the below commands

sudo systemctl restart prometheus and sudo systemctl restart grafana-agent.service

And I can confirm that both are running

bluecmd commented 9 months ago

Well, you have installed this exporter somehow, right? I mean, it doesn't come installed and all the installation is manual - so you or somebody needs to download the software and install it. That somebody also needs to make sure the exporter is told where the fortigate-key.yaml file is.

franklinis commented 9 months ago

Yes, I did the installation. I downloaded the binary and modified the fortigate-key.yaml. and then added the details of the job to prometheus configuration.

Can you tell me how I can say the exporter that this is where the fortigate-key.yaml file is ? I am doing it on ubuntu.

I tried running the command _

sudo ./fortigate_exporter -auth-file ~/fortigate-key.yaml

_ , but it ends with the error, sudo: ./fortigate_exporter: command not found. I am running this from the folder where the binaries are placed.

bluecmd commented 8 months ago

Sorry, don't have time to hold hands on basic Linux administration. I'll leave the issue open for others to chime in if they want to.

franklinis commented 8 months ago

Hey @bluecmd

I managed to run the exporter on my linux, now it's up and running. Maybe can you help me now ?

I can see the job data in Grafana cloud dashboard for prometheus. Maybe can you help me now ?



However, in the dashboard I couldn't get any data even if I enter the variable data as the IP address of the firewall or as http://localhost:9710. Can you help me here ?


In the logs, I have the below error


franklinis commented 8 months ago

Update :

I got it running with -insecure. Now I am stuck with next error as below :(


However, If I visit

It gives output as well as the curl as `$ curl -vvv -k -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ""'