Typos in the documentation:
0.09 - Changed the behavior of the reg_unit funtcion (This should be "function")
Old: "When a function needs a lon and lat they must always be in decimal degree format."
New: "When a function needs a longitude and latitude, they must always be in decimal degree format."
Section: Formula
Old: "The availabel formulas are hsin, polar, cos, and mt. hsin is the default and mt/cos are depreciated in favor of hsin. polar should be used when calculating coordinates near the poles."
New: "The available formulas are hsin, polar, cos and mt. hsin is the default and mt/cos are deprecated in favor of hsin. Polar should be used when calculating coordinates near the poles."
Give a man a program and you'll frustrate him for a day.
Teach a man to program and you'll frustrate him for life.
Wed Jun 09 22:38:04 2010
Distribution name: Geo-Distance-0.16<http://search.cpan.org/%7Eblue feet/Geo-Distance-0.16/>
Typos in the documentation: Section: STABILITY 0.09 - Changed the behavior of the reg_unit funtcion (This should be "function")
Section: PROPERTIES Old: "When a function needs a lon and lat they must always be in decimal degree format." New: "When a function needs a longitude and latitude, they must always be in decimal degree format."
Section: Formula Old: "The availabel formulas are hsin, polar, cos, and mt. hsin is the default and mt/cos are depreciated in favor of hsin. polar should be used when calculating coordinates near the poles." New: "The available formulas are hsin, polar, cos and mt. hsin is the default and mt/cos are deprecated in favor of hsin. Polar should be used when calculating coordinates near the poles."
Cheers, Mayukh
Give a man a program and you'll frustrate him for a day. Teach a man to program and you'll frustrate him for life.