bluefeet / Geo-Distance

Calculate distances and closest locations. (DEPRECATED)
6 stars 5 forks source link

Dead link in documentation #7

Closed benkasminbullock closed 5 years ago

benkasminbullock commented 12 years ago

This link:

is now dead.

bluefeet commented 12 years ago

Aww that sucks. Probably the worse thing about the internet.

benkasminbullock commented 12 years ago

Unfortunately it's not in either.

bluefeet commented 12 years ago

Ya, looks like there is a strict robots.txt which blocks this page from being archived. :(*/

bluefeet commented 12 years ago

Reopening as this still needs to be fixed in the documentation.

benkasminbullock commented 5 years ago

Six years to fix the documentation? Closing again.