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请问怎么关闭严格模式 #17

Open CCCpan opened 7 years ago

CCCpan commented 7 years ago

我引入import mui from 'assets/lib/mui/mui.min.js'; 报错Uncaught TypeError: 'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them

网上说是严格模式,网上给的方法没能解决 请问这个怎么处理啊

CCCpan commented 7 years ago


bluefox1688 commented 7 years ago

不能这么直接引入这个JS的吧? 这个脚手架没有开启严格模式

CCCpan commented 7 years ago

哦,那我要用这个mui.js,也就是其他的js库, 项目开发必然会用到,一些js库,应该怎么解决啊?

CCCpan commented 7 years ago

哦,那我要用这个mui.js,也就是其他的js库, 项目开发必然会用到,一些js库,应该怎么解决啊?

CCCpan commented 7 years ago


CCCpan commented 7 years ago


bluefox1688 commented 7 years ago


bluefox1688 commented 7 years ago


CCCpan commented 7 years ago

哦,谢谢楼主耐心回复,关于mui引入,我看了他官网 有git地址, 请问这个怎么用import导入啊?

CCCpan commented 7 years ago

我试着用cnpm install mui 安装成功了。但运行有报安装mui依赖, (This dependency was not found: To install it, you can run: npm install --save mui),不懂这了
