This might be as designed but it would be nice if it displayed a message before activating a second Servo to server mode (/servo on) on the same subnet.
Currently if I have one servo listening on localhost and if I mistakenly type "/servo on" on other clients it'll crash xiloder (renamed to POL.exe) client right away.
I tested on 5 other clients and they all crash as soon as I type "servo on". I am running on Windows 8.1 64bit by the way :)
This might be as designed but it would be nice if it displayed a message before activating a second Servo to server mode (/servo on) on the same subnet.
Currently if I have one servo listening on localhost and if I mistakenly type "/servo on" on other clients it'll crash xiloder (renamed to POL.exe) client right away.
I tested on 5 other clients and they all crash as soon as I type "servo on". I am running on Windows 8.1 64bit by the way :)