blueman-project / blueman

Blueman is a GTK+ Bluetooth Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.24k stars 188 forks source link

Device List doesn't get cleared on adapter turns off #1707

Closed kuraga closed 7 months ago

kuraga commented 2 years ago

blueman: 2.2.3 BlueZ: 5.64 Distribution: Calculate Linux (Gentoo) Desktop environment: XFCE 4.16

If Bluetooth is disconnected, Bluetooth Devices window is closed after an appropriate dialog.

But if Bluetooth Devices window is opened and then Bluetooth disconnects, window is neither closed nor cleared. Some inconsistency...


cschramm commented 2 years ago

Not really sure what you mean.

I guess it's about disabled Bluetooth, i.e. existing adapters are not powered. In that case, blueman-manager shows a hint and a way to power the adapter(s) on start. If the window is already open when adapters get unpowered, it does not close, but it does get cleared.

Is that what you mean? I think it would be a bit harsh and does not add value if we'd just close it.

kuraga commented 2 years ago

@cschramm , thanks for reply!

blueman-manager shows a hint and a way to power the adapter(s) on start.

...and closes Bluetooth Devices window.

If the window is already open when adapters get unpowered, it does not close, but it does get cleared.

On my system, it doesn't get cleared.

P.S. It's not so important, just for knowledge.

cschramm commented 2 years ago

That could be a bug then. blueman-manager should only show devices bound to powered adapters. Please provide the basic information we ask for in the issue template and the output of blueman-manager --loglevel debug of when you disable Bluetooth.

kuraga commented 2 years ago
blueman-manager 19.04.13 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0 {'Class': 0}
blueman-manager 19.04.13 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:369 row_update_event: ServicesResolved False
blueman-manager 19.04.13 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:369 row_update_event: Connected False
blueman-manager 19.04.13 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_1C_6E_4C_80_0D_6E {'ServicesResolved': False, 'Connected': False}
blueman-manager 19.04.13 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0 {'Powered': False, 'Discovering': False}
blueman-manager 19.04.13 INFO     PulseAudioUtils:324 __event_callback: 41 162
blueman-manager 19.04.13 DEBUG    PulseAudioProfile:46 on_pa_event: 41 162
blueman-manager 19.04.13 INFO     PulseAudioProfile:58 on_pa_event: card
blueman-manager 19.04.13 INFO     PulseAudioProfile:63 on_pa_event: remove
infirit commented 2 years ago

unpacking returns a tuple, quick fix for that.

diff --git a/blueman/main/ b/blueman/main/
index dab76bd1..0277e93e 100644
--- a/blueman/main/
+++ b/blueman/main/
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ class Blueman(Gtk.Application):
             def on_applet_signal(_proxy: AppletService, _sender: str, signal_name: str, params: GLib.Variant) -> None:
                 if signal_name == 'BluetoothStatusChanged':
                     status = params.unpack()
-                    bt_status_changed(status)
+                    if status:
+                        bt_status_changed(status[0])

             def on_dbus_name_vanished(_connection: Gio.DBusConnection, name: str) -> None:

Here is a proper log, we report that failed enabling bluetooth. Not sure why..

$ python apps/blueman-manager --loglevel debug
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PluginManager:87 load_plugin: ['Info', 'Services', 'Notes', 'PulseAudioProfile']
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PluginManager:160 __load_plugin: loading <class 'blueman.plugins.manager.Info.Info'>
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PluginManager:160 __load_plugin: loading <class 'blueman.plugins.manager.Services.Services'>
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PluginManager:160 __load_plugin: loading <class 'blueman.plugins.manager.Notes.Notes'>
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PluginManager:160 __load_plugin: loading <class 'blueman.plugins.manager.PulseAudioProfile.PulseAudioProfile'>
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PulseAudioUtils:193 pa_context_event: 1
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PulseAudioUtils:193 pa_context_event: 2
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     Manager:122 on_dbus_name_appeared: org.bluez :1.11
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PulseAudioUtils:193 pa_context_event: 3
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PulseAudioUtils:193 pa_context_event: 4
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PulseAudioProfile:33 on_pa_ready: connected
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PulseAudioUtils:199 <lambda>  : 1
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PulseAudioUtils:324 __event_callback: 25 46
blueman-manager 21.04.47 DEBUG    PulseAudioProfile:46 on_pa_event: 25 46
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PulseAudioProfile:58 on_pa_event: card
blueman-manager 21.04.47 INFO     PulseAudioProfile:60 on_pa_event: change
Failed to enable bluetooth
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0 {'Address': '3C:7C:3F:98:FE:BA', 'AddressType': 'public', 'Name': 'artix', 'Alias': 'Asus BT500', 'Class': 0, 'Powered': False, 'Discoverable': False, 'DiscoverableTimeout': 180, 'Pairable': True, 'PairableTimeout': 0, 'Discovering': False, 'UUIDs': ['00001133-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001105-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001104-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00005005-0000-1000-8000-0002ee000001', '00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000112f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001116-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000111f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001106-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'], 'Modalias': 'usb:v1D6Bp0246d0540', 'Roles': ['central', 'peripheral']}
blueman-manager 21.04.55 ERROR    Manager:138 on_dbus_name_appeared: Default adapter not found, trying first available.
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    DeviceList:190 set_adapter: Setting adapter to: hci1
blueman-manager 21.04.55 WARNING  DeviceList:197 set_adapter: Failed to set adapter, trying first available.
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    DeviceList:190 set_adapter: Setting adapter to: None
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    ManagerToolbar:69 on_adapter_changed: toolbar adapter /org/bluez/hci0
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_D2_0C_FD_5A_21_20 {'Address': 'D2:0C:FD:5A:21:20', 'AddressType': 'random', 'Name': 'M720 Triathlon', 'Alias': 'M720 Triathlon', 'Appearance': 962, 'Icon': 'input-mouse', 'Paired': True, 'Trusted': True, 'Blocked': False, 'LegacyPairing': False, 'Connected': False, 'UUIDs': ['00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001812-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00010000-0000-1000-8000-011f2000046d'], 'Modalias': 'usb:v046DpB015d0007', 'Adapter': '/org/bluez/hci0', 'ServicesResolved': False, 'WakeAllowed': True}
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_94_58_CB_CA_82_AE {'Address': '94:58:CB:CA:82:AE', 'AddressType': 'public', 'Name': 'Pro Controller', 'Alias': 'Pro Controller', 'Class': 1288, 'Icon': 'input-gaming', 'Paired': True, 'Trusted': True, 'Blocked': False, 'LegacyPairing': False, 'Connected': False, 'UUIDs': ['00001000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'], 'Modalias': 'usb:v057Ep2009d0001', 'Adapter': '/org/bluez/hci0', 'ServicesResolved': False, 'WakeAllowed': True}
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_00_16_94_38_38_F2 {'Address': '00:16:94:38:38:F2', 'AddressType': 'public', 'Name': 'HD 4.40BT', 'Alias': 'HD 4.40BT', 'Class': 2360324, 'Icon': 'audio-headset', 'Paired': True, 'Trusted': True, 'Blocked': False, 'LegacyPairing': False, 'Connected': False, 'UUIDs': ['00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'], 'Modalias': 'bluetooth:v0A12p0001d0000', 'Adapter': '/org/bluez/hci0', 'ServicesResolved': False}
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_E4_17_D8_AD_55_5D {'Address': 'E4:17:D8:AD:55:5D', 'AddressType': 'public', 'Name': 'Wireless Controller', 'Alias': 'Wireless Controller', 'Class': 9480, 'Icon': 'input-gaming', 'Paired': True, 'Trusted': True, 'Blocked': False, 'LegacyPairing': False, 'Connected': False, 'UUIDs': ['00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'], 'Modalias': 'usb:v054Cp05C4d0100', 'Adapter': '/org/bluez/hci0', 'ServicesResolved': False, 'WakeAllowed': True}
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_F4_60_E2_C4_96_3F {'Address': 'F4:60:E2:C4:96:3F', 'AddressType': 'public', 'Name': 'Mi A2 lite', 'Alias': 'Mi A2 lite', 'Class': 7995916, 'Icon': 'phone', 'Paired': True, 'Trusted': True, 'Blocked': False, 'LegacyPairing': False, 'Connected': False, 'UUIDs': ['00001105-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001115-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001116-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000111f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000112f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'], 'Modalias': 'bluetooth:v00E0p1200d1436', 'Adapter': '/org/bluez/hci0', 'ServicesResolved': False}
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_22_22_59_97_38_C4 {'Address': '22:22:59:97:38:C4', 'AddressType': 'public', 'Name': 'M2007J20CG', 'Alias': 'M2007J20CG', 'Class': 5898764, 'Icon': 'phone', 'Paired': True, 'Trusted': True, 'Blocked': False, 'LegacyPairing': False, 'Connected': False, 'UUIDs': ['00001105-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001115-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001116-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000111f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000112d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '0000112f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', '00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'], 'Modalias': 'bluetooth:v001Dp1200d1436', 'Adapter': '/org/bluez/hci0', 'ServicesResolved': False}
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:232 add_device: adding new device
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_D2_0C_FD_5A_21_20
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Trusted True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Paired True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Connected False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Blocked False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_D2_0C_FD_5A_21_20
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:232 add_device: adding new device
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_94_58_CB_CA_82_AE
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Trusted True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Paired True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Connected False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Blocked False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_94_58_CB_CA_82_AE
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:232 add_device: adding new device
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_00_16_94_38_38_F2
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Trusted True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Paired True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Connected False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Blocked False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_00_16_94_38_38_F2
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:232 add_device: adding new device
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_E4_17_D8_AD_55_5D
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Trusted True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Paired True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Connected False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Blocked False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_E4_17_D8_AD_55_5D
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:232 add_device: adding new device
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_F4_60_E2_C4_96_3F
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Trusted True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Paired True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Connected False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Blocked False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_F4_60_E2_C4_96_3F
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:232 add_device: adding new device
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_22_22_59_97_38_C4
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Trusted True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Paired True
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Connected False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     ManagerDeviceList:387 row_update_event: Blocked False
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     DeviceList:341 do_cache  : Caching new device /org/bluez/hci0/dev_22_22_59_97_38_C4
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    ManagerDeviceMenu:299 generate  : Mi A2 lite
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_F4_60_E2_C4_96_3F {'Connected': False}
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     PulseAudioUtils:367 _on_delete: Destroying PulseAudioUtils instance
blueman-manager 21.04.55 INFO     PulseAudioUtils:193 pa_context_event: 6
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    BasePlugin:63 _on_plugin_delete: Deleting plugin instance <blueman.plugins.manager.PulseAudioProfile.PulseAudioProfile object at 0x7fe42a783e20>
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    BasePlugin:63 _on_plugin_delete: Deleting plugin instance <blueman.plugins.manager.Notes.Notes object at 0x7fe42a783dc0>
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    BasePlugin:63 _on_plugin_delete: Deleting plugin instance <blueman.plugins.manager.Services.Services object at 0x7fe42b1d4490>
blueman-manager 21.04.55 DEBUG    BasePlugin:63 _on_plugin_delete: Deleting plugin instance <blueman.plugins.manager.Info.Info object at 0x7fe42b1d4280>
infirit commented 2 years ago

The failure is a timing thing. After we call SetBluetoothStatus we immediately ask for the status which is not updated (yet). Adding a simple sleep(1) fixes the exit being called. Not sure what the best solution is for this.

iff --git a/blueman/ b/blueman/
index 73395c0f..68d52232 100644
--- a/blueman/
+++ b/blueman/
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ def check_bluetooth_status(message: str, exitfunc: Callable[[], Any]) -> None:

     applet.SetBluetoothStatus('(b)', True)
+    sleep(1)
     if not applet.GetBluetoothStatus():
         print('Failed to enable bluetooth')
kuraga commented 2 years ago

Confirm nor first nor second patch.

cschramm commented 2 years ago

The blueman-manager log looks like BlueZ does not remove the devices and adapter. I'd expect that if no killswitch gets enabled. However, blueman-applet's Killswitch plugin should do exactly that. Unless you disabled the plugin, please provide the blueman-applet --loglevel debug output of when you disable Bluetooth.

kuraga commented 2 years ago
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     PowerManager:139 request_power_state: Requesting False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     KillSwitch:138 on_power_state_change_requested: False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 DEBUG    KillSwitch:151 on_power_state_change_requested: Using mechanism to set state: False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     KillSwitch:112 io_event  : killswitch changed 1
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     KillSwitch:122 io_event  : State: False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     PowerManager:178 update_power_state: off True | foff False | on True | current state True | new state False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     PowerManager:181 update_power_state: Signalling False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     KillSwitch:112 io_event  : killswitch changed 4
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     KillSwitch:122 io_event  : State: False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     PowerManager:178 update_power_state: off True | foff False | on True | current state False | new state False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_1C_6E_4C_80_0D_6E {'Connected': False}
blueman-applet 11.54.54 DEBUG    Base:60 do_g_properties_changed: /org/bluez/hci0 {'Class': 0, 'Powered': False, 'Discovering': False}
blueman-applet 11.54.54 DEBUG    DiscvManager:92 on_adapter_property_changed: prop Class 0
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     PowerManager:178 update_power_state: off True | foff False | on False | current state False | new state False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 DEBUG    DiscvManager:92 on_adapter_property_changed: prop Powered False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     DiscvManager:109 on_adapter_property_changed: Stop
blueman-applet 11.54.54 DEBUG    DiscvManager:92 on_adapter_property_changed: prop Discovering False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     BluezAgent:222 _on_cancel: Agent.Cancel
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     PowerManager:124 check     : callbacks done
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     PowerManager:95 set_adapter_state: False
blueman-applet 11.54.54 INFO     PowerManager:178 update_power_state: off True | foff False | on False | current state False | new state False
cschramm commented 2 years ago

Your system seems to behave differently than mine there. blueman does seem to set the killswitch states as expected, but BlueZ does not seem to remove the adapter. Quick cross-check: Do you still see the adapter with bluetoothctl list after an rfkill block bluetooth? That'd be surprising.

For me, bluetoothd shows something like this when disabling Bluetooth with blueman-applet:

bluetoothd[51949]: src/rfkill.c:rfkill_event() RFKILL event idx 0 type 2 op 2 soft 1 hard 0
bluetoothd[51949]: src/adapter.c:dev_class_changed_callback() Class: 0x000000
bluetoothd[51949]: src/adapter.c:new_settings_callback() Settings: 0x00000ad0
bluetoothd[51949]: src/adapter.c:settings_changed() Changed settings: 0x00000001
bluetoothd[51949]: src/adapter.c:settings_changed() Pending settings: 0x00000000
bluetoothd[51949]: src/adapter.c:cancel_passive_scanning() 
bluetoothd[51949]: src/adapter.c:adapter_stop() adapter /org/bluez/hci0 has been disabled
bluetoothd[51949]: src/rfkill.c:rfkill_event() RFKILL event idx 6 type 2 op 2 soft 1 hard 0
bluetoothd[51949]: src/adapter.c:index_removed() index 0
bluetoothd[51949]: src/adapter.c:adapter_unregister() Unregister path: /org/bluez/hci0

I guess in your case the index_removed and thus adapter_unregister does not show up. It's a reaction to a kernel event, so it might even depend on a driver or something.

Anyway, blueman is just showing what BlueZ provides, so if BlueZ still provides devices when blocked it's fine that blueman shows them. I guess you cannot do anything useful with them, though.

kuraga commented 2 years ago
$ sudo rfkill block bluetooth
$ sudo rfkill
ID TYPE      DEVICE               SOFT      HARD
 0 wlan      ideapad_wlan      blocked unblocked
 1 bluetooth ideapad_bluetooth blocked unblocked
 3 wlan      phy0              blocked unblocked
 4 bluetooth hci0              blocked unblocked
$ sudo bluetoothctl list
Controller <MAC-address> <hostname> [default]
cschramm commented 2 years ago

Got it. It's not the Bluetooth stack that removes the adapter for me but the driver or whatever. When I soft-block Bluetooth (tpacpi_bluetooth_sw in my case), I can see the USB device getting completely removed in dmesg. Even the hci0 killswitch gets removed then. I guess that's specific to my driver, chip or whatever, so it's expected that blueman still shows the devices in your case.

infirit commented 2 years ago

Got it. It's not the Bluetooth stack that removes the adapter for me but the driver or whatever. When I soft-block Bluetooth (tpacpi_bluetooth_sw in my case), I can see the USB device getting completely removed in dmesg. Even the hci0 killswitch gets removed then. I guess that's specific to my driver, chip or whatever, so it's expected that blueman still shows the devices in your case.

This is new for me too. I didn't notice that when powering down or blocking the kernel/BlueZ didn't remove the adapter or devices, It definitely used to for my dongles. I'm on BlueZ 5.64.

cschramm commented 2 years ago

I'm on 5.64 as well. To my understanding it's the ACPI hardward / thinkpad_acpi driver that physically unpowers the integrated adapter when tpacpi_bluetooth_sw gets blocked.

infirit commented 2 years ago

Yep, that's what happened with btusb driver for my dongles, not sure when it changed.

Do we want the list to be cleared? I mean we could just make the Bluetooth disabled dialog modal so you won't be able to interact with the list. And then make any menus or buttons in other places insensitive.

kuraga commented 2 years ago

Nevertheless, propose to change adapter enabling behavior, too.

blueman-manager shows a hint and a way to power the adapter(s) on start.

...and closes the Bluetooth Devices window.

Propose not close the window.

infirit commented 2 years ago

blueman-manager shows a hint and a way to power the adapter(s) on start.

...and closes the Bluetooth Devices window.

Propose not close the window.

Sure, that is what the second patch I posted does. That's a hack though so not something that will end up being commited.

infirit commented 2 years ago

Not working but this is what I am thinking. This dialog shows when bluetooth is turned off and goes away if on. Clicking the button to turn on call the applet, I probably make the buttons insensitive for a little while, i'll figure something out.


diff --git a/blueman/main/ b/blueman/main/
index 6248d244..401c3971 100644
--- a/blueman/main/
+++ b/blueman/main/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ class Blueman(Gtk.Application):

     window: Optional[Gtk.ApplicationWindow]
+    notpowered: Gtk.MessageDialog

     def do_startup(self) -> None:
         def doquit(_a: Gio.SimpleAction, _param: None) -> None:
@@ -93,6 +94,9 @@ class Blueman(Gtk.Application):

             def bt_status_changed(status: bool) -> None:
                 assert self.window is not None
+                self._show_bt_disabled(status)
+                return
                 if not status:
                     check_bluetooth_status(_("Bluetooth needs to be turned on for the device manager to function"),
@@ -177,6 +181,12 @@ class Blueman(Gtk.Application):

             Manager.watch_name_owner(on_dbus_name_appeared, on_dbus_name_vanished)

+        self.notpowered = Gtk.MessageDialog(
+            type=Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, visible=False, modal=True, icon_name="blueman", title="Bluetooth disabled",
+            secondary_text="Bluetooth is disabled do you want to turn it on?", parent=self.window)
+        self.notpowered.add_button("Quit", Gtk.ResponseType.NO)
+        self.notpowered.add_button("Turn on", Gtk.ResponseType.YES)

     def _on_configure(self, _window: Gtk.ApplicationWindow, event: Gdk.EventConfigure) -> bool:
@@ -249,3 +259,9 @@ class Blueman(Gtk.Application):
     def remove(self, device: Device) -> None:
         assert self.List.Adapter
+    def _show_bt_disabled(self, status):
+        if not status:
+        else:
+            self.notpowered.hide()
infirit commented 2 years ago

Adding enhancement label as I like to finish implementing this and don't want to forget.