bluenviron / mediamtx

Ready-to-use SRT / WebRTC / RTSP / RTMP / LL-HLS media server and media proxy that allows to read, publish, proxy, record and playback video and audio streams.
MIT License
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hlsDirectory parameter - Hls directory doesn't created per stream in 1.6.0 when it worked properly in 1.5.1 #3131

Closed EvgIL74 closed 4 months ago

EvgIL74 commented 4 months ago

Global settings -> SRT server

Enable publishing and reading streams with the SRT protocol.

srt: yes

Address of the SRT listener.

srtAddress: :9402

Please include all sections of this template into your issue, or it will be automatically closed.

Enable reading streams with the HLS protocol.

hls: yes

Address of the HLS listener.

hlsAddress: :8090

Enable TLS/HTTPS on the HLS server.

This is required for Low-Latency HLS.

hlsEncryption: no

Path to the server key. This is needed only when encryption is yes.

This can be generated with:

openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.crt -days 3650

hlsServerKey: server.key

Path to the server certificate.

hlsServerCert: server.crt

By default, HLS is generated only when requested by a user.

This option allows to generate it always, avoiding the delay between request and generation.

hlsAlwaysRemux: yes

Variant of the HLS protocol to use. Available options are:

* mpegts - uses MPEG-TS segments, for maximum compatibility.

* fmp4 - uses fragmented MP4 segments, more efficient.

* lowLatency - uses Low-Latency HLS.

hlsVariant: mpegts

Number of HLS segments to keep on the server.

Segments allow to seek through the stream.

Their number doesn't influence latency.

hlsSegmentCount: 60

Minimum duration of each segment.

A player usually puts 3 segments in a buffer before reproducing the stream.

The final segment duration is also influenced by the interval between IDR frames,

since the server changes the duration in order to include at least one IDR frame

in each segment.

hlsSegmentDuration: 1s

Minimum duration of each part.

A player usually puts 3 parts in a buffer before reproducing the stream.

Parts are used in Low-Latency HLS in place of segments.

Part duration is influenced by the distance between video/audio samples

and is adjusted in order to produce segments with a similar duration.

hlsPartDuration: 200ms

Maximum size of each segment.

This prevents RAM exhaustion.

hlsSegmentMaxSize: 50M

Value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header provided in every HTTP response.

This allows to play the HLS stream from an external website.

hlsAllowOrigin: '*'

List of IPs or CIDRs of proxies placed before the HLS server.

If the server receives a request from one of these entries, IP in logs

will be taken from the X-Forwarded-For header.

hlsTrustedProxies: []

Directory in which to save segments, instead of keeping them in the RAM.

This decreases performance, since reading from disk is less performant than

reading from RAM, but allows to save RAM.

hlsDirectory: /mnt/hls

Which version are you using?

v1.6.0 v1.5.1

Which operating system are you using?

Describe the issue

Hls directory doesn't created per stream as result no hls files. It worked properly 1.5.1 and not working in 1.6.0

Describe how to replicate the issue

  1. start the server stream srt to mediamtx server. check directory that you defined hlsDirectory. You don't find the directory with stream name.


Did you attach a network dump?


github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

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