bluenviron / mediamtx

Ready-to-use SRT / WebRTC / RTSP / RTMP / LL-HLS media server and media proxy that allows to read, publish, proxy, record and playback video and audio streams.
MIT License
10.69k stars 1.39k forks source link

Hide raspberry pi settings from path API endpoints when the camera isn't an rpi cam #3395

Closed moenodedev closed 1 month ago

moenodedev commented 1 month ago

Describe the feature

New users can be overwhelmed by the options available to them when configuring paths or debugging so hide rpi settings if the cam isn't an rpi cam.

   "name": "skycam",
   "source": "rtsp://camera/highdefinition",
   "sourceFingerprint": "",
   "sourceOnDemand": true,
   "sourceOnDemandStartTimeout": "5s",
   "sourceOnDemandCloseAfter": "1m0s",
   "maxReaders": 0,
   "srtReadPassphrase": "",
   "fallback": "",
   "record": false,
   "recordPath": "./recordings/%path/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f",
   "recordFormat": "fmp4",
   "recordPartDuration": "1s",
   "recordSegmentDuration": "60s",
   "recordDeleteAfter": "1h0m0s",
   "overridePublisher": true,
   "srtPublishPassphrase": "",
   "rtspTransport": "automatic",
   "rtspAnyPort": false,
   "rtspRangeType": "",
   "rtspRangeStart": "",
   "sourceRedirect": "",
-  "rpiCameraCamID": 0,
-  "rpiCameraWidth": 1920,
-  "rpiCameraHeight": 1080,
-  "rpiCameraHFlip": false,
-  "rpiCameraVFlip": false,
-  "rpiCameraBrightness": 0,
-  "rpiCameraContrast": 1,
-  "rpiCameraSaturation": 1,
-  "rpiCameraSharpness": 1,
-  "rpiCameraExposure": "normal",
-  "rpiCameraAWB": "auto",
-  "rpiCameraAWBGains": [
-    0,
-    0
-  ],
-  "rpiCameraDenoise": "off",
-  "rpiCameraShutter": 0,
-  "rpiCameraMetering": "centre",
-  "rpiCameraGain": 0,
-  "rpiCameraEV": 0,
-  "rpiCameraROI": "",
-  "rpiCameraHDR": false,
-  "rpiCameraTuningFile": "",
-  "rpiCameraMode": "",
-  "rpiCameraFPS": 30,
-  "rpiCameraIDRPeriod": 60,
-  "rpiCameraBitrate": 1000000,
-  "rpiCameraProfile": "main",
-  "rpiCameraLevel": "4.1",
-  "rpiCameraAfMode": "continuous",
-  "rpiCameraAfRange": "normal",
-  "rpiCameraAfSpeed": "normal",
-  "rpiCameraLensPosition": 0,
-  "rpiCameraAfWindow": "",
-  "rpiCameraTextOverlayEnable": false,
-  "rpiCameraTextOverlay": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S - MediaMTX",
   "runOnInit": "",
   "runOnInitRestart": false,
   "runOnDemand": "",
   "runOnDemandRestart": false,
   "runOnDemandStartTimeout": "10s",
   "runOnDemandCloseAfter": "10s",
   "runOnUnDemand": "",
   "runOnReady": "",
   "runOnReadyRestart": false,
   "runOnNotReady": "",
   "runOnRead": "",
   "runOnReadRestart": false,
   "runOnUnread": "",
   "runOnRecordSegmentCreate": "",
   "runOnRecordSegmentComplete": ""