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GLIBC_2.28 not found on Linux #152

Closed yabadaba2 closed 8 months ago

yabadaba2 commented 2 years ago


both the Linux AppImage version and the Linux tar.gz version produce the following error when executed on my system:

/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'GLIBC_2.28' not found

My system returns the following:

> ldd --version
ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.27-3ubuntu1.5) 2.27

Can this somehow be fixed or resolved?

pospeselr commented 2 years ago

@m-simonelli I thought the whole point of AppImage was that it bundled all the dependencies for us?

m-simonelli commented 2 years ago

@pospeselr Hmm that's what I thought too, but according to this, it looks like that's not the case for certain libs, specifically any core libs (i.e. glibc), and drivers. :/

I think the options we have are:

  1. Find some way to statically link libc, but afaict it's still an active issue with AppImages (this is also way more overhead that I'd like to avoid if at all possible)
  2. Formally define a minimum linux target (i.e. Ubuntu >=12.04) which should be some currently supported stable linux distro - by doing this we can build against an older version of glibc and that should solve this.


pospeselr commented 2 years ago

Option 2 sounds reasonable to me.

greenpark-code commented 1 year ago

2. Formally define a minimum linux target (i.e. Ubuntu >=12.04)

You'll have to aim higher than 12.04, Ubuntu 18.04.6 has glibc 2.27.

greenpark-code commented 1 year ago

Searching the web it's evident that many users are being affected by the same problem, even on fairly recent Mint installations.

Here in GitHub: the same glibc-2.28 problem affects Electrum (BTC wallet). Somebody using Ubuntu 18.04.5 points out there that MuseScore4 (music notation software) would require glibc-2.29 BUT the developers also distribute it in Flatpak format, which solves the backwards compatibility problem and runs correctly on his older 18.04.5 platform.

TNTBOMBOM commented 10 months ago

I have made a ticket (in short) of why someone should choose flatpk over appimage can be found here.

This is an alternative solution to the issue above i would add it to here.

pospeselr commented 8 months ago

Realistically this is going to get fixed by the march of time with people updating before we have an actual fix here.