bluerange-io / bluerange-mesh

BlueRange Mesh (formerly FruityMesh) - The first completely connection-based open source mesh on top of Bluetooth Low Energy (4.1/5.0 or higher)
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Where is the implementation of "action 0 status get_connections" module? #133

Closed mabner1996 closed 4 years ago

mabner1996 commented 4 years ago


so if i type "action 0 status get_connections" in terminal, I will find a line "{"type":"connections","nodeId":9881,"module":3,"partners":[0,0,0,0],"rssiValues":[0,0,0,0]}" the [partners] here shows all the nodeID of the nodes connected to it. But I cannot find which line in the code is storing these partner NodeId data.

I found in StatusReporterModule.cpp that it actually correspond to packet->partner1, packet->partner2 etc. If I search partner1, I still cannot find the input of the data into the partner1

mariusheil commented 4 years ago


I'll just describe the full way of finding sth. like that for other people that will read this:

this is a command from the StatusReporterModule.cpp, you can do a full project search (Ctrl+Shift+F in most IDEs, sometimes Ctrl + H) for "get_connections". This will lead you to the line where the Terminal command is processed.

The message that is sent to request the connections is sent using the actionType "StatusModuleTriggerActionMessages::GET_ALL_CONNECTIONS". Looking for GET_ALL_CONNECTIONS in the whole project will lead to the line where the request is being processed and answered with: "StatusReporterModule::SendAllConnections".

Using Ctrl + Click on SendAllConnections will open the implementation of that method (somewhere around line 215 in my master branch in StatusReporterModule.cpp). This method is responsible for getting the partnerIds and copying it in a message that will be sent over the mesh. It does this by querying the ConnectionManager for the current connections: GS->cm.GetMeshConnections(ConnectionDirection::DIRECTION_IN);

This is then sent as a mesh message using the actionType StatusModuleActionResponseMessages::ALL_CONNECTIONS. Looking for this enum will lead us to the place where this response is processed and printed out to the terminal: (around line 630 with a comment: //Somebody reported its connections back). That's the place that you have found.

Here, the json is constructed that is printed to the terminal simply by taking the message contents and putting the values into a string.

So the trick is to follow the enums through the code. The flow is mostly the same for most messages:

mabner1996 commented 4 years ago

We found in statusreporter.cpp thats its actually from NodeMeasurements thank you { if(nodeMeasurements[i].nodeId != 0){ NodeId sender = nodeMeasurements[i].nodeId; i8 rssi = (i8)(nodeMeasurements[i].rssiSum / nodeMeasurements[i].packetCount);

        memcpy(buffer + j*3 + 0, &sender, 2);
        memcpy(buffer + j*3 + 2, &rssi, 1);


Thank you very much

mariusheil commented 4 years ago

Hi, but node_measurements is used for get_nearby and not for get_connections, right? You were asking for get_connections But glad that you found what you were looking for.