bluerange-io / bluerange-mesh

BlueRange Mesh (formerly FruityMesh) - The first completely connection-based open source mesh on top of Bluetooth Low Energy (4.1/5.0 or higher)
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How do I run CherrySim? #137

Closed mabner1996 closed 4 years ago

mabner1996 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I am trying to run CherrySim so I tried these steps as instructed in and but I found some problems which I am not quite sure how to follow

So far this is what I did:

  1. I download the FruityMesh repository from this github as fruitymesh-master and I copied the same repository and rename the copy as fruitymesh
  2. I downloaded and installed CMake and added the bin into my computer path
  3. I downloaded Visual Studio 2017
  4. I open developer command tool window Visual Studio 2017 and tried to run cmake ../fruitymesh in the fruitymesh directory

However the command is not succesfully and it shows some problem which I have screenshot how do I resolve this? Error log1 Error log2

mariusheil commented 4 years ago

Hi, you should not execute cmake within the repository itself. The documentation states "Create a sibling directory next to the repository". That means, you should create a directory in your FruityMesh2020_CHERRYSIM directory. This directory should be empty, and from this empty directory, you should execute the command. The other possibility is to create a folder in the repository "/_build/vs/" and in this directory execute "cmake ../../".

Can you try if this solves the issue?

mabner1996 commented 4 years ago

Ah I see, so right now I inside FruityMesh2020_CHERRYSIM directory I have two folder

  1. fruitymesh-master : which is the git folder I've downloaded from this github
  2. fruitymesh : which is the empty folder (sibling repository)

according to that, I tried to use terminal on fruitymesh folder directory and run the command: cmake../fruitymesh-master

However I still get some error as seen in the attached screenshot There is a VC++ project inside the sibling repository now which I can open but it does not show anything error_log_3

mariusheil commented 4 years ago


I am not sure what the issue could be. Could you make sure that you delete all CmakeCacke.txt and CMakeFiles directories (including contents) from the fruitymesh directory. Then also delete all files in you build directory (fruitymesh). Then try to execute the command again. Whenever there is an issue, you should always delete all build files.

Other than that, you could try googling a bit for the error "failed to run msbuild command to get the value of VCTargetsPath" as this might happen in some cases for some different reasons.

A coworker of mine will be back on friday and might be able to help some more.

mabner1996 commented 4 years ago

I tried to delete CmakeCacke.txt and CMakeFiles directories from the FM directory and the build files, but the same error still exist. So actually before the error message there is a "Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.17763.0 to target Windows 10.0.18363." So is it possible because I don have the SDK for my windows (10.0.18363)? And I cant find my version SDK from the Visual Studio 2017 installer


Brotcrunsher commented 4 years ago

Hi! Unfortunately no one of our team has encountered that issue before, so all we can do at this point is to guess. You could try to pass the following argument when using CMake: -A Win32. We had issues with 64bit/32bit setups before so there is a slim chance that this is the real underlying issue here. Don't forget to remove all CMake generated files before executing CMake with the modified parameters!

You could also try to install Visual Studio 2019 and try it with that.

mabner1996 commented 4 years ago

I tried to use that argument after removing all folder in my build directories, but I still can't built it properly even after using visual studio 2019 developer command prompt

Just to make sure, I need to empty my sibling directory before tried to use cmake again right? I didnt see CmakeCacke.txt and CMakeFiles directories (including contents) from the FruityMesh-master directory as the author mentioned before

Brotcrunsher commented 4 years ago

Yes, the sibling directory should be completely empty. Are you sure that your Visual Studio is correctly installed? Are you able to compile other C++ projects with it?

mabner1996 commented 4 years ago

This is the first time I use visual studio actually, because previously I use FruityMesh from last year version( 2019) which does not use CMake and does not need visual studio

Brotcrunsher commented 4 years ago

Okay, let us test your CMake and Compiler setup then. For this I prepared a simple hello world project for you here:

Please download the Repo, create a sibling just as with FruityMesh, open a terminal in this sibling, and then execute:

cmake ../CMakeHelloWorld
cmake --build .

Please attach the logs.

mabner1996 commented 4 years ago

Thank you I tried the same one, but it have the exact same error message as before

Here I attached the log as a txt file


mariusheil commented 4 years ago


I think you have attached the wrong log file. But it also looks like you have some setup issue on your computer that does not have anything to do with fruitymesh, because the example project was a plain-standard Hello World CMake project. I guess we can't be of much more help here. I would suggest that you uninstall all Visual Studio Versions and CMake and then reinstall Visual Studio 2019 and the latest CMake version. Probably check your PATH as well after uninstalling everything to make sure there are no leftovers. If this does not help, you probably have to check for some CMake Tutorials with Visual Studio and check out if they offer some troubleshooting.


BlockscapeLab commented 4 years ago

@mariusheil, @Brotcrunsher Could we provide with a docker image to give developers a fast path to use CherrySim?

mariusheil commented 4 years ago


we actually have the buildbox that we are using for our pipeline on dockerhub (we are currently using version 19 in our pipeline):

All the tools for compilation are installed. Funnily, I have written the documentation on how to use this manually just yesterday, but so far this is not yet ready to be open sourced. I was writing the guide as I am using WSL2 on Windows to run docker. Basically, the build instructions go like this:

# Create a sibling directory for the cmake build and generate cmake files
mkdir -p ../cmake_build/cherrysim_tester
pushd ../cmake_build/cherrysim_tester

# Execute cmake to get the build files
cmake ../../fruitymesh -DCI_PIPELINE=ON

# Build the tester target
cmake --build . --target cherrySim_tester

# Execute the tester executable to run all tests
../cmake_build/cherrysim_tester/cherrySim_tester GitLab false

Tell me, if that helps you or if you ran into problems. I could incorporate these steps into our documentation.


mabner1996 commented 4 years ago

So I just recently managed to build the the CMake. Actually I missed a lot of additional build tools I need to install through visual studio here:

In addition I also run vcvarsall.bat through the Visual Studio developer window for both 64 and 86 system

and then I can run the simulator by running the cmake in the sibling directory

Thank you so much for the help