blueriver / MuraGoogleSitemaps

Google Sitemap plugin for Mura CMS
Apache License 2.0
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Changes for running plugin in Mura 6.2 #13

Open Miguel-F opened 6 years ago

Miguel-F commented 6 years ago

The Mura script function does not exist in Mura 6.2. So the CSS needs to be loaded another way. I used the same check logic that is being used in the Application.cfc file here. Also, the script statement was outside of the HTML body so I moved it up within the savecontent block.

stevewithington commented 6 years ago

@Miguel-F, if you wish to add features to support an older version of Mura, that's great. However, I would recommend you simply create a new branch (e.g., 6.2), as we're nearing the launch of 7.1, we've spend quite a bit of time getting the plugin up to speed for 7.0 and 7.1.. Thanks!

Miguel-F commented 6 years ago

Hey @stevewithington, I had been discussing this plugin with Grant on the slack channel. I see that he has already made some changes that we had discussed. Which is great! I told him on slack that I would submit pull requests for the changes I had to make in order for the plugin to work with 6.2. Just so you/he could see what it involved. I tried to make all edits work with version 7 and 6.2.

That being said, feel free to ignore/delete/merge/make-fun-of these changes as you wish. They were really just meant as an FYI and for possible inclusion if it was warranted.

I will also note that some of the changes may also be required for 7. For example, I ran into issues when running the scheduled task when the siteid was not the default and when the location for the sitemap was not the default. (included in pull request #9)

It may also be worth documenting some of the things that I mentioned in the comments for pull request #8