bluerobotics / cockpit

An intuitive and customizable cross-platform ground control station for remote vehicles of all types.
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frontend: Support adding one or more iframe pages to the sidebar #1051

Open ES-Alexander opened 4 days ago

ES-Alexander commented 4 days ago

Cockpit doesn't yet support custom widgets, but constant iframes aren't necessarily an ideal workaround, especially if they're only being used for some initial configuration at the start of an operation, for either BlueOS Extensions and/or services in the core image.

As a relevant example, we've had various Issues about vehicle configuration/calibration/tuning previously (e.g. #74), but we ended up deciding to only implement it in BlueOS for now. Since BlueOS now has a Vehicle Setup page that's in charge of managing all of the nice/intuitive aspects, we could potentially have the best of both worlds and get Cockpit to provide access to that via a dynamic sidebar option that's only available when a BlueOS system is connected, and when clicked displays the relevant BlueOS page in an iframe, which can then be hidden when clicked out of.

From a user perspective this is somewhat similar to QGC's vehicle configuration options, which only appear and populate once a vehicle is connected.

There may be some concern around the interface styling not matching well with Cockpit, and I'm unsure of things like how easily the BlueOS sidebar can be hidden, but this seems at least worth exploring, especially for the calibration and configuration options that are expected to occur before each dive/flight.

rafaellehmkuhl commented 4 days ago

I totally agree.