Could be convenient to change existing Sector Width control (currently called 'Scan Angle (degrees)') to enable user-set angles with a granularity of 1, instead of the existing controls which only allow 60/90/120/180/360.
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Controls could be like the 'advanced' ones so you can type in a number
Maybe change minimum sector width to 30 instead of 60 degrees (if someone is moving fast and just wants to know if they're likely to run into something, or for detailed inspections with a fast sweep)
Was chatting with @Williangalvani and he mentioned the following ideas:
sector selection could be performed using a mouse (e.g. click+drag on circle to specify sector start+end angles)
scan resolution could be dynamically adjusted based on what was in a section in the previous step, accounting for ROV rotation (e.g. scan fast/low res while not sure if anything is there, focus scan details on regions that actually have information of interest - possibly requires a percentage-based or user-set threshold) - only relevant if the ROV isn't moving very fast (relative to scan range), or if position can be accounted for (would be awesome to have data 'stick' to the scan position, possibly overlaid on a map?)
partial sector scanning, with high resolution in front, but also low resolution to the sides and back for navigation awareness/obstacle avoidance
Could be convenient to change existing Sector Width control (currently called 'Scan Angle (degrees)') to enable user-set angles with a granularity of 1, instead of the existing controls which only allow 60/90/120/180/360.
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