bluesky-social / atproto

Social networking technology created by Bluesky
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Credentials leak in case of a typo in PDS hostname #2566

Open imax9000 opened 2 weeks ago

imax9000 commented 2 weeks ago

I've reported this to over two weeks ago and got no response. So it's probably not considered a security issue.

UI does not verify that the hostname the user entered at login actually corresponds to user's PDS. Combined with using a plain text input that is prone to accidental mistakes, it opens a possibility for exfiltrating account credentials of users of a targeted PDS.

An attacker can buy domains that are slight variations of a target PDS and point them to their own server. Whenever a user attempts to log in on a new device, if they misspell the hostname and it happens to match one of the attacker's - web UI will happily send com.atproto.server.createSession request with the credentials. To avoid raising suspicion, the attacker's server can then act a man-in-the-middle and forward all the traffic between the user and their actual PDS.

bnewbold commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @imax9000, I don't think we have seen an email about this to security@, though there may have been some mistake or oversight on our end. Either way, thanks for the report!

imax9000 commented 2 weeks ago
Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 08:21:54 +0100
Message-ID: <>

In case that helps you track down why you missed it.