bluesky-social / atproto

Social networking technology created by Bluesky
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`app.bsky.graph.unmuteThread` not working #2585

Closed mimonelu closed 1 week ago

mimonelu commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug

viewer.threadMuted in root post remains true after calling app.bsky.graph.unmuteThread

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Call app.bsky.graph.muteThread with root post uri
  2. Check viewer.threadMuted is true (this is correct)
  3. Call app.bsky.graph.unmuteThread with same root post uri
  4. Check viewer.threadMuted is true (this is wrong)

Expected behavior

viewer.threadMuted in root post should be false


dholms commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the report. Out of curiosity, were you testing this yesterday? I believe I got in a bugfix for this issue, but there may be some funky state lurking around if you were messing with this before the fix got in

mimonelu commented 1 week ago

@dholms Yes, I tested it yesterday. However, the results did not change when tested now. One point, I forgot to mention is that I'm actually using{ root }), so maybe BskyAgent is the cause.

mimonelu commented 1 week ago

The problem seems to be solved, thanks.