bluesky-social / ozone

web interface for labeling content in atproto / Bluesky
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Handle Bluesky PBC labels in 3rd party labelers more coherently #71

Open bnewbold opened 6 months ago

bnewbold commented 6 months ago

It would be helpful for independent Ozone instances to see what labels the Bluesky Moderation Service applied on a piece of content, including labels. These would be shown separate from any labels from the "local" mod service. It should be posssible to pull these via AppView requests on individual pieces of content, instead of needing to keep a full local copy of labels, or separate queryLabels requests.

A more advanced version of this would allow configuring one or more specific other mod services to hydrate/display, instead of just the Bluesky Mod Service.

A related issue for the Ozone UI is to check whether we are already doing this kind of hydration by default (using the atproto-accpet-labelers HTTP header).

A particular benefit would be for graphic content (eg, sexual or gore), which gets blurred by default in the UI, but only if there is an explicit label.

Another near-term approach would be a config toggle (per moderator? per instance?) which always blurs all images (seems heavy-handed for profile avatars though).

bnewbold commented 4 months ago

There has been some recent progress on this, IIRC.