bluesky-social / pds

Bluesky PDS (Personal Data Server) container image, compose file, and documentation
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watchtower didn't pull recent updates #75

Open bnewbold opened 1 month ago

bnewbold commented 1 month ago

I'm running the pds distro pretty out-of-the-box, on an Ubuntu 22.04 VPS. This instance has both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled.

root@localhost:/pds# docker images 
REPOSITORY                   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
caddy                        2         f1e21ce508b7   2 months ago   49.1MB   0.4       828155e8afbc   3 months ago   229MB
containrrr/watchtower        latest    e7dd50d07b86   8 months ago   14.7MB
root@localhost:/pds# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                            COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS     NAMES
154a18c14072   caddy:2                          "caddy run --config …"   2 months ago   Up 2 months                       caddy
b95e0c84b2f4   "dumb-init -- node -…"   2 months ago   Up 2 months                       pds
0ad41c8398d4   containrrr/watchtower:latest     "/watchtower"            2 months ago   Up 2 months (healthy)             watchtower

There have been a couple more recent tagged versions of the PDS, and I expected watchtower to have pulled those.

Looking in the watchtower logs, since mid-may they have included:

time="2024-07-09T00:00:02Z" level=info msg="Session done" Failed=0 Scanned=3 Updated=0 notify=no
time="2024-07-10T00:00:00Z" level=info msg="Unable to update container \"/caddy\": Error response from daemon: Get \"\": dial tcp: lookup on lame referral. Proceeding to next."
time="2024-07-10T00:00:01Z" level=info msg="Unable to update container \"/pds\": Error response from daemon: Get \"\": dial tcp: lookup on lame referral. Proceeding to next."
time="2024-07-10T00:00:03Z" level=info msg="Session done" Failed=0 Scanned=3 Updated=0 notify=no

I do have an experimental DNS service running on this same server, listening on port 53... possibly that is confusing docker?

bnewbold commented 1 month ago

Maybe something weird with systemd-resolved. I stopped that service, restarted docker (the entire docker process), and then ran watchtower, and it did updates.