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Ableism and making room for disability #46

Open Symi0n opened 10 months ago

Symi0n commented 10 months ago

Hi. Only on blue sky a few days and was ganged up on a bit , told to F off even though I announced that I was new and could dibwithvsome advice or friendly pointers. The issue was that I use a.i. I was very respectful that this was a polarised issue a year ago, I was surprised the same arguments were being applied with hostility. I was told I'm not creative that I'm stealing and that im lazy if i font do work like everyone else .

I didn't get into personal details. But I advocate for disability justice. A big part of disability is the psychosocial abuse that dominates lives. Art therapy is a good way to counter the gas lighting that you are worthless. It's especially so for intersectionslity. I believe and advocate that creativity is a human right. I believe using the tools available to explore identity and self is a big part of understanding your point of view and having pride in whobyiuvar3xand your unique perspective.

Regardless of how people feel about a.i. in art. It us not appropriate to paint every person with the same brush and destroy self esteem as a group . I was to discuss things brought up, but once the swearing started Nd being told I'm worthless, I began to justify my existence...which no person should have to..especially as a response to ablesism.

Everyone should be encouraged to create and a.i. is helping people with disabilities in countless ways which cannot be met with shaming and Hostility.

I was not made to feel welcomed and I do not want ablesism to grow .

It's not OK to remove creativity in what ever shape it comes. There was an agreed privilege that 3veryone can spend 20 years drawing and if they don't they are lazy and any point of view is invalid.

People grow up in violence, abuse and exploitation, have severe mental and physical challenges. Cultural and religious issues also prevent people spending their whole lives on creative pursuits.

A lable to identify people with disabilities, neurodivergent, psychosocial issues and intersectionslity should be available to protect. And a lable for anyone industing we all have the same opportunities in life to identify ableist behaviours.

Maybe a lable for welcoming newbies too. Community is strongest if established early and without needing to look...just friendly users with a few good pointers.

Thanks...first github too.