bluesky-social / proposals

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Consider adding mute words post filters to lists. #5

Open spiraloid opened 1 year ago

spiraloid commented 1 year ago

I often currated my feeds on t**r and r***t by filtering out all content containing a word, regardless of who posted it.

If ** was mentioned in a post, I never saw it. There was no reason for me to know which accounts to ban.

While I love thread and account level filtering, the mute word was by far the biggest quality of life improvement. I actually set this up on all my elders iPads so they simply never saw anything from rage peddlers or extremists.

The idea of being able to skip that step and put them into a shareable list that people in my circle could "trust" would be huge.

Mute words are a great way to erase he-who-shall-not-be-named from your life completely.

Muting accounts or threads aren't enough since a post with the mute word can come from anyone in any post.

pfrazee commented 1 year ago

+1 to this

Paula013 commented 1 year ago

Not sure about this one, since not all users write in English. I have two doubts about this.

In other apps I have seen too often that words may get banned in English because of rudeness, while that same words have a totally acceptable meaning in Dutch. (My native language.) For example: I'm using an app that has banned the word 'hoor', because in English it sounds just like the rude swear word for a female prostitute. In Dutch it is a conjugation of the verb 'to hear'; (Ik hoor = I hear).

Second. Users that really want to use words that have been banned, will always find work arounds. With punctuation between the characters, or spatials.

My thought is that the ban of certain words may only work if users can set their own list, but not if there will be a general list for all users.