bluesky-social / social-app

The Bluesky Social application for Web, iOS, and Android
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Feature Request: Temporarily Muted Words #4074

Open AaronSofaer opened 2 weeks ago

AaronSofaer commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

When I am muting a keyword because it is the Discourse Of The Day and I am not interested, I will often want the mute to go away after a certain period of time (generally one day). This is not possible; I need to actually remember to remove the keyword mute, which is not ideal.

Describe the solution you'd like

An option to have the mute exist for a certain period of time, either by a simple one-option checkbox of "delete this mute after 24 hours", a dropdown with a set of options, or an input box that takes some sort of explicit structured timeframe (I do not like this option).

Describe alternatives you've considered

I have considered just remembering to go back and change things, but that seems unlikely to work. Also, having this as an explicitly supported piece of functionality makes it not only easier for people to do but also more endorsed in a sort of structural-social way, and I think this would be good for the vibes to some small degree.

Additional context

This is the screen in question:


I mentioned this to @pfrazee on bsky and suggested that I might be motivated to try to implement this. My understanding is that the relevant UI code for this is in MutedWords.tsx . This would also presumably require in turn changing useUpsertMutedWordsMutation to incorporate the timer, adding that to the schema for the muted words, and having something that intermittently checks and cleans up the muted words—I am not sure where the best place to do that is.

Things that come to mind for testing it: how it looks at different font levels, in different localizations, different browsers, and different mobile configurations.