bluesky / bluesky-enhancement-proposals

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ENH: callback to send data across the wire #8

Open CJ-Wright opened 6 years ago

CJ-Wright commented 6 years ago

It would be nice to have the capacity to send data and metadata across the wire live.

Expected Behavior

  1. Point callback to server somewhere and a file folder on server (for tokenized data)
  2. Subscribe to RE
  3. Run experiment
  4. As experiment is running metadata is being sent to server.
  5. When experiment stops (either on stop doc, or new start if halted?) send tokenized data (in its original form) over to server with its tokens so that they can be linked on remote server.

Current Behavior

What happens (live) at the NSLS-II stays at the NSLS-II.

Possible Solution

I presume that the metadata/json looking things get sent over via a RESTful API. I'm less certain about the whole token/large data on the wire aspect.

prjemian commented 6 years ago

We're looking at making a callback to emit the event documents through 0mq. Something like that what you have in mind?

prjemian commented 6 years ago

re-phrasing: What happens at the beamline could be shared with HPC.

CJ-Wright commented 6 years ago

Isn't there already a ZMQ driven callback?

prjemian commented 6 years ago

Can't keep up, it seems

danielballan commented 6 years ago

What happens at the beamline could be shared with HPC.


@prjemian There is this, which we took for a spin during my visit to APS. It serializes documents into a custom (dead simple) serialization format and broadcasts them to N subscribers. It's a working proof of concept; a long term solution might use an existing serialization format and might use something heavier than 0MQ.

@CJ-Wright Could what you propose be achieved by a script that uses our Publisher? I'm not sure what to make of "It would be nice to have the capacity to send data and metadata across the wire live," because the 0MQ proof-of-concept -- which I know you have built on for XPD -- does that.

CJ-Wright commented 6 years ago

At XPD we de-tokenize on the client side. I guess we could de-tokenize on the server side? We may not have assetstore on the client side so the tokens don't mean much.