[ ] Area detector basics (crib from CHX beamline config, for example)
[ ] Non-EPICS detector that generates external assets
[ ] Documentation of how AD dispatch works
[ ] Documentation on collect_asset_docs
[ ] Explanation of which methods return immediately, block (hopefully briefly for a little I/O), or return status objects. Mention future plans to do more async.
on an acquire bit that implements put-completion (crib from https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/bluesky/tutorials/blob/master/Device.ipynb)set
on a signal that implements put-completion (crrb from https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/bluesky/tutorials/blob/master/Device.ipynb again)trigger
implementations (https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/bluesky/tutorials/blob/master/Device.ipynb and alsoPVPositionerPC