bluetianx / BirdMessenger

DotNET client implementation of the Tus protocol for resumable file uploads.
MIT License
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no found header of Tus-Resumable #58

Open Julien-Marpault opened 2 months ago

Julien-Marpault commented 2 months ago

I just updated Bird Messenger to V3.

Since I get an error: "no found header of Tus-Resumable"

But if I add the header to HttpHeaders I get this error: "HttpHeader can not contain tus Reserved word: Tus-Resumable"


bluetianx commented 2 months ago

Hi, Can you show me a more detailed version

davidpg-bimone commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, I recently had the same issue. It is happening when the TUS api returned a 401 or 403 (probably any 4xx or 5xx) in which case the header Tus-Resumable was not present in the response. I don't know if the api is at fault but if not I hope it can help you investigate that issue further. The server implementation is made with

bluetianx commented 2 weeks ago

ok, Thank you for your information,I will investigeate

bluetianx commented 2 weeks ago

@davidpg-bimone by the way, which version of BirdMessenger do you use ?

davidpg-bimone commented 2 weeks ago

It is the version 3.1.3