Adding a few issues on the Projects page to be completed.
[ ] Rows per page under Project risks and Vendor risks doesn't work.
[x] "Showing 1-5 of monitors" should either say "Showing 1-5 of vendor risks" or "Showing 1-5 of project risks".
[x] AI risk classifications are: High risk, Limited risk, Minimal risk and Type of high risk roles are "Deployer, Provider, Distributor, Importer, Product manufacturer and Authorized representative"
[x] "Drag and drop" should be 13px font rather than 14px.
[x] When I click on "Click to upload" a popup appears. When I click on ESC, this popup closes but appears again.
[x] The ripple effect should be removed on "Click to upload"
[x] When I add a new project risk, The mitigation status values are Not started, In progress, Completed, On hold, Deferred, Closed and Requires review". Current risk level values are "Critical risk, High risk, Medium risk, Low risk and No risk".
[ ] font sizes in those areas should be 13px Inter regular (just like the font sizes of labels in other parts of this screen.
Adding a few issues on the Projects page to be completed.