bluewaysw / geos

Source code of 8-bit GEOS 6.0 for the MEGA65
37 stars 4 forks source link

Files not shown when using SHOW dropdown menu (when filtered on anything else than ICONS) #20

Open MauriceMEGA65 opened 7 months ago

MauriceMEGA65 commented 7 months ago

Opening a window shows its content. Dropdown menu SHOW is set to ICONS by default. All good:


However, selecting BY NAME, BY DATE, BY SIZE or BY TYPES shows an empty window:


MauriceMEGA65 commented 7 months ago

Update: above issue is gone after opening GEOWRITE, close it, switch back from 80-col to high-res !! Hmm.... switching between screen resolutions has multiple effects. Above issue sometime re-appear, or windows vanish completely... The option WINDOW - CLOSE ALL helps sometime to bring life back to GEOS.