blueyed / vim-diminactive

Vim plugin to dim inactive windows
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dim independently from buftype #12

Closed bimlas closed 9 years ago

bimlas commented 9 years ago

Why does not dimming the buffers with no buftype? I like to see my cursor's window highlighted independetly from the buftype. What is the cause of this comparison?

blueyed commented 9 years ago

This could become a setting, yes.

However, you are currently given the g:DimInactiveCallback setting already, which needs to be a function:

The idea is to not dim quickfix windows etc.

bimlas commented 9 years ago

I think a variable containing the blacklist of buftypes or filetypes can solve the problem. (filetypes is for disabling plugin (for example the Unite) buffer)

blueyed commented 9 years ago


Do you like to create a pull request for this?

bimlas commented 9 years ago

Yeah, i can do it. One more quiestion: two variables for blacklist is acceptable (one for buftype and another for filetype)? Or disabling by filetype is enough?

blueyed commented 9 years ago

I think two are good, probably using the current defaults.

bimlas commented 9 years ago

I did the changes.

Sorry for the messup in this issue - i'm new in issue/request things and i don't know how to attach pull request to an exist issue.

blueyed commented 9 years ago

It's all fine - solid work! :)

Referencing the issue from the PR is good, and you've done it.

For what's it worth, I've recently learnt that the hub tools allows to convert issues into pull requests - but that's usually not done.

Thanks for providing the patch!

blueyed commented 9 years ago

Committed in

(I has a typo there in the link to the issue (missing s))