Open WeibingChen17 opened 5 years ago
It looks like ColorColumn
is not used with terminal windows, but only checked quickly.
I am using Neovim myself mostly, which offers proper highlighting (not requiring the hack of using ColorColumn), and I am using the following myself:
if 1 && exists('+winhighlight')
function! s:configure_winhighlight()
let ft = &filetype
let bt = &buftype
" Check white/blacklist.
if &diff || (index(['dirvish'], ft) == -1
\ && (index(['nofile', 'nowrite', 'acwrite', 'quickfix', 'help'], bt) != -1
\ || index(['startify'], ft) != -1))
set winhighlight=NormalNC:MyNormalWin
set winhighlight=NormalNC:MyInactiveWin
augroup inactive_win
au ColorScheme * hi link MyInactiveWin ColorColumn
au FileType,BufWinEnter * call s:configure_winhighlight()
if exists('##OptionSet')
" TODO: does not work with :Gdiff - diffsplit does not trigger it, too!
au OptionSet diff call s:configure_winhighlight()
augroup END
Plug 'blueyed/vim-diminactive'
let g:diminactive_enable_focus = 1
" let g:diminactive_debug = 1
@blueyed, given how well your snippet above works, would it make sense to incorporate that into the plugin itself for special handling in neovim? I found this issue seeking the same solution and am using neovim. For now, I've got your snippet in place of my Plug line for the plugin.
+1 and thanks for your work.
Only just discovered this after several months of "crippled" Vim highlighting even though I am a Neovim user myself. This should be the default behavior when Neovim is detected, or if there's other considerations, at least documented properly. Right now the README reads:
It will only work with lines containing text (i.e. not
which shouldn't be an issue for Neovim users.
In Vim 8.1, a build-in term is support with the command :term. However, term windows does not dim off. Please look into it if you are available. Thanks for your efforts.