blumilksoftware / blt

Behat+Laravel toolbox. Still in progress.
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#10 - removing ambiguous matches for Eloquent actions #22

Closed krzysztofrewak closed 1 year ago

krzysztofrewak commented 1 year ago

Use of

there should be no "Submission" objects in database

resulted with:

    And there should be no "Submission" objects in database
      Ambiguous match of "there should be no "Submission" objects in database":
      to `there should be :count :model objects in database` from App\Conference\Testing\Context::thereAreModelsInDatabase()
      to `there should be no :model objects in database` from App\Conference\Testing\Context::thereAreModelsInDatabase()

--- Failed scenarios:


I am dropping support for semantic no. Users will need to use 0 integer instead until I figure out how to distinct them in proper way.

This closes #10.