blumu / NppColumnSort

Column sorting plugin for Notepad++
GNU General Public License v2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

Please create a Notepad++ plugin ZIP package and become part of the official plugin list #7

Open dinkumoil opened 4 years ago

dinkumoil commented 4 years ago

Your NppColumnSort plugin is quite useful, I use it from time to time when the build-in sorting feature of Notepad++ is not sufficient for certain special sorting tasks.

Unfortunately it is not part of the current official plugin list of Notepad++. Since v7.6 Notepad++ has a build-in plugin management system called Plugins Admin. The new system requires some changes to plugin ZIP packages and provides its own plugin list. The old external Plugin Manager plugin management system is not supported anymore, it seems like its supporting web sites will be abandoned in the near future as well.

Please create a ZIP package of the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of your plugin and include it into the official plugin list of Notepad++. To obtain information how to do that please read the according chapter of the new Notepad++ user manual, especially the sections about Plugins Admin and the plugin list itself.

artie-finkelstein commented 2 years ago

I second this request.

blumu commented 2 years ago

I agree that this would be desirable. NppColumnSort used to be part of the official Notepad++ plugins list but it looks like the plugin publishing system has changed and is now maintained via a JSON file in a Github repository at I have not read the doc in full details but it looks that publishing the plugin amounts to editing the JSON files at and and sending a PR to the notepad++ project. Not sure if anything needs to change in the NppColumnSort repo itself. If anyone has spare cycles to submit the required changes to both projects, I'll welcome them.