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Some computers keep the fan running at high speed #15

Open EastEriq opened 5 months ago

EastEriq commented 5 months ago

which is noisy and very annoying in the office, but also onsite, frankly. One of such machines is last11w (conversely, last11e is ok) I entered the bios and set the "Smart Fan" profile on "silent", but this didn't help.

When the machine boots up there are some unspecified errors displayed about "bios" and "acpi" which I didn't strive to copy. Wonder if related. Also, since we are talking of bios glitches, maybe #6 is connected. My bet, though, is that there is a faulty temperature sensor onboard.

If anyone has smart ideas about which other bios settings might tackle it, please try them and report.

blumzi commented 5 months ago

I spent many hours on this but didn't come up with something that can be either fully identified. I installed various sensor software packages, both generic and from Gateway (board manufacturer)

I cannot say for sure if there is a problem and what it is.

Moreover, I saw some places saying that the board can slow down the CPUs if they're too hot (I don't know if the fan(s) ramp up because of the cpus or not :-)

EastEriq commented 5 months ago

I forgot that you already spent time on that. Let's tag this issue with the label "lost cause" then....

EastEriq commented 4 months ago

Maybe I got it. There seem to be individual profiles for 7 fans. One has to make sure that the "silent" one is carried on to all of them, using the button "apply to...". This is what I'm doing on 11w: IMG_20240220_111810 IMG_20240220_112330

EastEriq commented 4 months ago

hm, 11w is a bit quieter, but not silent as 11w. Not even setting Temperature Interval to 2 and CPU_Fan Stop Enabled helped.

EastEriq commented 4 months ago

Uhm, it's noisier again. I also installed unconclusively lm-sensors, fancontrol and tried what suggested in at no avail. From pwmconfig I get the hint that hwmon2/fan3_input is running at the insane current speed: 10714 RPM, and the following testing seems to find a partial correlation with hwmon2/pwm3, but no progress beyond that. Giving up.