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Requirements Meeting #2

Closed FrankBerrocal closed 2 years ago

FrankBerrocal commented 2 years ago

Peter and Frank Worked on reviewing requirements and setting up the project in GitHub.

FrankBerrocal commented 2 years ago

Web Project

  1. Coworking app
  2. Rent space with work elements (the elements are included in the general space and they are included in the rent price).
  3. The app connects service providers and final users.
  4. Phase 1 a. Design and implement. b. Wireframes i. Landing page with header and footer.
  5. Users can select their role. ii. Registration page for the final user.
  6. Information a. Name b. Phone c. Email
  7. Button Add includes the user information.
  8. Array of objects. iii. Registration page for service providers.
  9. Information a. Owner name b. For reference only: House/ Building Object c. Address d. Location (neighborhood) e. Square Feet f. Parking g. Reachable by public transportation h. Type of space i. Meeting room (Object)
  10. Number of seats
  11. Amount of type of space ii. Private Office Room (Object)
  12. Number of seats
  13. Amount of type of space iii. Open area Desk (object)
  14. Number of seats
  15. Amount of type of space i. Smoking allowed
  16. Button Add includes service provider information
  17. Array of objects. iv. Login page based on role (same for both final user and service provider)
  18. Display page for final users a. Display available properties of service providers.
  19. Functionalities expected a. Search (fields not indicated) b. Sort (fields not indicated) One method per property (Object)
  20. Display properties that belong to service provider only.
  21. Functionalities expected a. Sort (fields not indicated) b. Delete c. Update (fields not indicated) d. Select spaces available for rent i. Meeting room
  22. Number of seats
  23. Number of type of space ii. Private Office Room
  24. Number of seats
  25. Number of type of space iii. Open Desk area
  26. Number of seats
  27. Number of type of space e. Smoking allowed. c. Use arrays to store information
  28. Phase 2. a. Use Node Server i. Design and implement an API to get data from a file system. ii. Server implementations use Node.js and Express. iii. Use correct HTTP methods (Get, post, put or delete) iv. Return success or error (detailed). v. API should be testable from browser or postman.

Next Steps

Basic functionality as first step. Objects Basic methods Pages with buttons and input labels

FrankBerrocal commented 2 years ago

Web Project Requirements.docx

FrankBerrocal commented 2 years ago

We have assigned all elements and discussed all requirements