bluz71 / nvim-linefly

A simple Lua statusline for Neovim
MIT License
85 stars 2 forks source link

optional mode-indicator #12

Closed basilgood closed 4 months ago

basilgood commented 4 months ago

Hi, thanks for the plugin, it's simple and offers many customization without writing a ton of code. Why not an option for mode indicator ?

  1. default like it's right now
  2. short mode-indicator (n,v,.. or uppercase)
  3. no mode indicator
bluz71 commented 4 months ago

Why? Historic and stylistic choices.

This plugin was spawned from my personal Vim config back in 2013 (or so), before Neovim even existed. I have always had a mode indicator due to personal preference. I like seeing a colorful indicator (as cheesy as that sounds). But I also used the mode indicator to indicate which split was the active split (I don't use cursorline), hence I could lose the cursor on the screen, mode-indicator was also the split indicator in my case.

Certain linefly sections are currently always on:

As mentioned in the README:

linefly has a predominantly fixed layout, this will not be an appropriate statusline plugin if layout flexibility is desired.

Firstly, if statusline width is narrow short mode-indicator automatically will become active. Wider mode-indicator has the benefit disambiguating visual from v-line and v-rect modes.

Also, if Neovim global statusline is in effect, laststatus=3, and linefly winbar is also in effect then the mode indicator, in the winbar, doubles as the indicator of which split is active. I find this an important benefit of the mode indicator.

Hence, I prefer to keep the layout as it currently is, mode always visible, not configurable.

Something like the heirline.nvim may suit your needs better? Or lualine?

Best regards.

basilgood commented 4 months ago

OK! thanks for explanations.