bluz71 / vim-nightfly-colors

A dark midnight theme for modern Neovim & classic Vim
MIT License
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Extremely hard to notice `listchars` #32

Closed ibhagwan closed 2 years ago

ibhagwan commented 2 years ago

First, ty for this fantastic colorscheme, love it :-)

As you can see below the current listchars highlights makes it extremley hard to notice some listchars (aside from the EOL):

the right side of the screen is the embark colorscheme with transparent background: image

bluz71 commented 2 years ago

Hello @ibhagwan,

I believe you use Neovim since you are the maintainer of fzf-lua.

The color of listchars is dictated by the Whitespace highlight group, in Neovim, which influences not only listchars but indent-blankline indent markers and highlighting in the QuickFix list. So a very subtle color is a deliberate choice.

Though I can understand your issue; thankfully there is an easy solution, just change the color of Whitespace as follows (after setting colorscheme):

if g:colors_name == 'nightfly'
    highlight! link Whitespace NonText

Add to the end of init.vim or in an after file such as after/plugin/colorscheme.vim (in your Neovim runtime path).


ibhagwan commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the prompt reply @bluz71!

I believe you use Neovim since you are the maintainer of fzf-lua.


The color of listchars is dictated by the Whitespace highlight group, in Neovim, which influences not only listchars but indent-blankline indent markers and highlighting in the QuickFix list. So a very subtle color is a deliberate choice.

Makes sense, I didn’t know indent-blankline uses the same highlights, I recently started using to mini-indentscope from mini.nvim (amazing library btw, the surround plugin is the best I’ve used and the indent scope text object is very useful).

Though I can understand your issue; thankfully there is an easy solution, just change the color of Whitespace as follows (after setting colorscheme)

Thank you for the suggestion, will modify my config accordingly :)

bluz71 commented 2 years ago

No problem.

I am pleased you like the colorscheme. Keep up the good work you do in the open-source community.
