blw-ofag-ufag / eCH-0261

eCH-0261 -- Agrardaten - Betriebs- und Unternehmensstammdaten
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PDF doc questions / fixes #32

Open AFoletti opened 4 months ago

AFoletti commented 4 months ago

Together with AGIS people we found out a couple of strange things in the published PDF for this standard. For some, I am not sure if that's really a mistake or not.

  1. AgriculturalZone is linked twice to AgriculturalAdditionToLocalUnit (see image) in the UML. This should be in my opinion fixed image

  2. farmType is inserted as a class from eCH-180, while it actually is defined in 0261 image

  3. Chapter 1.1 needs an update, since is inconsistent with the title page and the actual status of the document (which is Genehmigt) image

  4. There is a double reference to the Merkmalkatalog in chapter 3.19. In my opinion (and AGIS' people too) those reference should be removed since the master is not the standard and not the Merkmalskatalog. image