bmaitner / RBIEN

Tools for accessing the Botanical Information and Ecology Network (BIEN) database
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There was a problem with the query... #41

Open pierrolaloune opened 5 months ago

pierrolaloune commented 5 months ago

Hi there! 👋

We're currently on an exciting project where we're attempting to pull some data from BIEN. Specifically, we're looking to run the following command to gather information on the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region in France:

france_plot <- BIEN_plot_state(country = "France", state = "Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur")

However, we've hit a bit of a snag. We encountered this error message:

There was a problem with the query. This is most often due to internet connection issues, but may also be due to other factors such as an outdated version of the package.

Finally, this code france_plot <- BIEN_plot_country(country = "France") take a huge amount of time (1 hour still running) is it a server issue ?

We've double-checked our internet connection, which seems strong and stable, and we've also made sure that both the package and R are up to date.

Our goal is to delve deep into the Mediterranean region's biodiversity by extracting data on all species within the area, which means we're looking at a broader scope than just a single region in France.

Could you perhaps shed some light on how we might overcome this error? Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We're all ears for any ideas or advice you might have to help us navigate through this!

Thanks a bunch! 🌿

fariadamasceno commented 3 months ago

Hi Pierre, hi everyone,

I opted to include my message here instead of creating a new issue because the error I'm facing might be related to the problem @pierrolaloune encountered. @bmaitner, please let me know if it would be better to open a new issue instead.

I used RBIEN at the beginning of March for accessing SALVIAS data and it worked perfectly fine; thank you for such a nice resource! However, right now I am facing problems when querying to the server using any BIEN_ function.

For example, running the function BIEN_plot_list_datasource() returns the following error message: Error in postgresqlNewConnection(drv, ...) : RPosgreSQL error: could not connect on dbname "public_vegbien": connection to server at "" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?

I installed the package again, both from GitHub and from CRAN but it didn't solve the problem.

Could you please give me some guidance on how alternatively connect to the BIEN server?

Thank you a lot in advance!

bmaitner commented 3 months ago

Hi @fariadamasceno and @pierrolaloune ! Apologies for the slow response, @pierrolaloune (I've been busy with a ton of projects and travel so far this year).

@fariadamasceno this seems to be a server side issue. I know our lead developer has had to make some changes lately, but I had thought we were done with those for a bit. This issue seems to have arisen over night, as I was able to execute BIEN queries yesterday. I'll look into this.

@pierrolaloune , once we've got BIEN back working I'll take a look into your issue

bmaitner commented 3 months ago

@fariadamasceno: this was a server-side issue related to a POSTGRES update. The issue has been fixed and queries are now working as expected.

fariadamasceno commented 3 months ago

@bmaitner, fantastic! Thank you for such a quick fixing! :)