bmaltais / kohya_ss

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dreambooth training not working #906

Closed Aresisok closed 7 months ago

Aresisok commented 1 year ago

when i train i get this: "No [] were found in train_data_dir can't train..." i have images in my new folder 42, they are named (1).png, (2).png, ect i try renaming images but same error settings { "pretrained_model_name_or_path": "G:/Delta/stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion/2Mixsjt.ckpt", "v2": true, "v_parameterization": false, "logging_dir": "", "train_data_dir": "C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/New folder (42)", "reg_data_dir": "", "output_dir": "G:/Delta/stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion", "max_resolution": "768,768", "learning_rate": 1e-05, "lr_scheduler": "cosine", "lr_warmup": "10", "train_batch_size": 1, "epoch": 100, "save_every_n_epochs": 1, "mixed_precision": "fp16", "save_precision": "fp16", "seed": "", "num_cpu_threads_per_process": 2, "cache_latents": true, "cache_latents_to_disk": false, "caption_extension": "", "enable_bucket": true, "gradient_checkpointing": false, "full_fp16": false, "no_token_padding": false, "stop_text_encoder_training": 0, "xformers": true, "save_model_as": "safetensors", "shuffle_caption": true, "save_state": false, "resume": "", "prior_loss_weight": 1.0, "color_aug": false, "flip_aug": false, "clip_skip": "1", "vae": "", "output_name": "luuuubi", "max_token_length": "75", "max_train_epochs": "", "max_data_loader_n_workers": "0", "mem_eff_attn": false, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1.0, "model_list": "custom", "keep_tokens": "0", "persistent_data_loader_workers": false, "bucket_no_upscale": true, "random_crop": false, "bucket_reso_steps": 64.0, "caption_dropout_every_n_epochs": 0.0, "caption_dropout_rate": 0, "optimizer": "AdamW8bit", "optimizer_args": "", "noise_offset_type": "Original", "noise_offset": 0.02, "adaptive_noise_scale": 0, "multires_noise_iterations": 0, "multires_noise_discount": 0, "sample_every_n_steps": 0, "sample_every_n_epochs": 0, "sample_sampler": "euler_a", "sample_prompts": "", "additional_parameters": "", "vae_batch_size": 0, "min_snr_gamma": 0, "weighted_captions": false, "save_every_n_steps": 0, "save_last_n_steps": 0, "save_last_n_steps_state": 0, "use_wandb": false, "wandb_api_key": "" }

E2GO commented 1 year ago


bmaltais commented 1 year ago

YEah... your folder structure is wrong. It need to be like:

C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/New folder (42)/30_my dataset

And the images go in the 30_my dataset folder.

30 mean 30 repeats of all images on the folder. my dataset is the token and class name that will be used if you don't have .caption or .txt files in the folder to caption each images

YOlegY commented 1 year ago

Same issue.And making similar folder structure didn't helped (C:\Users\impos\Downloads\New Folder (1)\1_image of Cat Cat*) Inside folder two test files - (1).png (1).txt

Png is 512512 Other settings by default , except Epoch (100), Optimizer(Lion8Bit) and Noise Offset(0,1) Folder made by "Prepare training data" GUI , and no , changing to "30_my dataset folder" doesn't helps.

YOlegY commented 1 year ago

Helped clean reinstall.After that got similar error but with tip before it , it suggested to go in docs folder inside kohya_ss and read ""(Notepad++ works with this file extension). After that my image folder structure looks like this - C:\images\1_cat And in Dreambooth GUI this needs to be selected like C:\images